Building my 2.0 duratec/mzr for the Midget project. Got some 'molnar' rods. No provision for the bearing tang. I have not built many engines but all had the tang slot to prevent rod bearings spinning. Stock rods have them. Bearings have them.
Any advice out there? I suppose I could get the rods machined for them, but I think finding a shop to take this on might be a challenge. I'm sorta irritated. Let alone finding the correct bearings for a 2.0 vs 2.3 but that's a different story between my supplier and I.
I've ground them off plenty with no issues. They're really just for quick location for the build. If the bearing is really gonna die, it's going to die tang or no tang.
So you just hit the backside with sandpaper to flatten them?
Definitely snip them off with something and/or hit them with a grinder. Sandpaper would take forever.
I sand 'em off of Mazda rotary bearings to prevent issues. A 60 grit Scotchbrite disk makes them go away really fast.
Almost all modern engines are tangless. The tangs are there to make hand assembly easy, but they make machine assembly more complicated. They only locate the bearing shell axially during assembly, they are a crush fit in the rod when you tighten the bolts down and that is what holds them in place.
Awesome. Thank you both. I've never used aftermarket rods before so I was surprised.
And- anyone got a good spring co press or recommendation? Inclination is to rent one from autozone etc.
Well y'all learned me something tonight.
I'll admit to being old-school, but today I learned that some engines have a tang on the rod bearing.
I wouldn't hesitate to ditch it with abrasive force.
Pete. (l33t FS) said:
A 60 grit Scotchbrite disk makes them go away really fast.
the bearings I have must be much harder, or the tangs are a lot bigger on the bearings I use. Definitely go right to the grinder and it isn't instant to get them off
In reply to Paul_VR6 (Forum Supporter) :
I can see that... Mazda bearings are a copper shell with a soft coating. A steel shelled bearing would be a lot more difficult!