danvan wrote:
most of the cars you have shown have wheels and tires worth over half the budget
old beat up miatas sell for 3 to 5 grand up here
never said my car was faster than anyone elses was just trying to show i have been around racing
love to build a car and run this race but i am prety good fabricator on race cars but not on budgets if i did bring the vett down i would have to fabricat it down by about 20.000 [dont know where you ger your tire prices but up here i just recieved my tires for the vett and they prety much blow your budget on there own $1550.00 from tire rack
I've been through it a billion times, but I'll do it once more for E36 M3s & giggles: Granted, we're not talking about a Vette here, but we've run the same Diamond 13 X 9 wheels at every challenge. Picked up locally for $100. "The hell you say!" In 2004, you could pick them up all day on Diamond's website for $50/each NEW. We ran a crusty set of Hoosier throw-aways in 2004 and had fastest raw time in the auto-x.
When we brought the s00p3rturd, we upgraded the fronts to CLOSEOUT Hoosier A3S04's - brand new (old stock) that we purchased directly from Hoosier's website for $90/Each, with the receipt to prove it. We got a bunch of raised eyebrows for showing up with sticker tires up front, and had another team call us out for having "$1000 worth of wheels and tires." HA!!! Strangely, they denied our offer to let them run the same wheels and tires, with the same budget hit the next year.
Anyway, regardless, wheels and tires being half the budget (before the "kumho rule") SHOULD be the plan if you're driving a car with monster-meats. If you show up with brand new tires on big-ass wheels on a light car, you'll damned near destroy 90% of the field in the autocross. Hell, we used those same tires (WHICH WERE STARTING TO SHOW CORD) on a BONE STOCK miata in 2009, and were in the top ten in the autocross.
If you start out with a light, cheap car (a car that you can recoup 100% of the purchase price on is best) slap a turbo, a grand worth of wheels and tires on, and spend 80 gazillion hours doing paint prep, cleaning and painting every_single_berkeleying thing on the car, you WILL be in the top 10. Probably top 5.
Labor is free. The problem is, and it's been said in these threads over and over, the first 80% requires only 20% of the effort. The last 20% requires 80% of the effort. And most folks aren't willing to give that last 80%.
I can't speak for anyone but my team (essentially Me & Wayne, not to diss any of the others who helped; Dave Hardy, Tom Shuman, Kevin Boswell, & George Garcia and all of Hong South, but we have always put in the most hours,) but anyway, all of our efforts have been in either my driveway or Wayne's. We're not mechanics. We're not engineers or fabricators, and we're sure as E36 M3 not wealthy. We have families and 60+ hour a week jobs.
If we can do it, anybody can. It just takes a ton of effort and commitment, not a ton of $$$.
I'm sorry you live in Canada. I can't help you there. I'm assuming people autocross there. If you want a screamin' deal on tires, start shopping your local SCCA forum right before nationals. You can end up with tires with only 20 or 30 runs and PLENTY of meat on them for pennies on the dollar.
They only gotta last 5 runs.
If you want a $1000 C4 vette that you can easily sell $500 worth of E36 M3 off of, c'mon down to Gainesville to spectate, and pick one up on your way back through Atlanta, so you don't have to take the budget hit for travel
I'll by the beer and maybe even turn a few wrenches.
...or, like angry said, bring your $xx,xxx cheater car and a stack of fake receipts. Is there a trophy for 15th place?