After doing some research, it appears that I have a lightweight steel racing beat flywheel.
However, there are two that racing beat sells. One is for an early car (up to 1982) and the other is 83 to 92. The difference is the clutch diameter. The early clutch diameter is 215mm. The later clutch is 225 mm. I have measured the flywheel surface where teh clutch plate would sit. It measures closer to 235 mm.
I am sure that the flywheel surface is larger than the clutch plate. This is making me wonder if there is another way to tell.
Any ideas?
Rob R.
Let me ask another question...
How can you tell one 12A engine from another? Specifically, telling the difference between 82 through 85?
Rob R.
How about the bolt diameter of the pressure plate?
I don't know a thing about 12A's other than I bought a rear counterweight for one mistakenly.
I am pretty sure that either flywheel will bolt to either engine. However, the clutch might not be happy AND the counterweight could be wrong.
This is more difficult than I initially thought!
Rob R.
That should help! Now to see if I can tell without taking the flywheel off.
Rob R.