A little while ago I posted about looking at buying an RX7 (recieved some great answers). I love the cars, but have never owned one.
Now my simple question is: can I daily drive it including in the winter time? I mean is it going to start in -30*C weather if I have the block heater plugged in? Thanks guys!
I would say it is less likey to start than your typical 4cyl....but that goes for an RX7 in any weather. On the plus side, RX7s run hot, so the cold weather should be good for that.
Dunno about RX7s specifically, but I drilled a hole in the intake of a cold-natured '83 Rabbit diesel I had and ran a vaccum hose into the cabin. Worked great with some starting fluid and one of those little red straws from WD-40. Didn't have to pop the hood in the cold weather. Just a quick squirt and it was good to go. Used a binder clip on the hose to prevent vacuum leaks after it was running. ;)
A better question is why you would be driving in -30*C weather?
(C or F?)
Never had problems driving through several MI winter even with an older carb Rx-7.
I don't think it will be any worse than any other car. As long as it's in good tune it should start up fine.
carguy123 wrote:
A better question is why you would be driving in -30*C weather?
(C or F?)
Um, maybe to get to work in the morning? That's the funny thing about winter time in the north...the world doesn't end when it gets cold out. 
yep.... I had to walk the 1/2 mile to bus if school was open when it was that cold
A better question is why you would be driving in -30*C weather?
Erm, does -40C sound better? Or how about those really nice days when the windchill causes it to dip down to -47C? I actually love winter time, even working in anything above -30C isn't bad. And this is coming from a guy who thrives in 30C weather while everyone dies.
And you haven't done stage rally until you've raced in this kind of weather either... preferably with 2 feet of snow dumped in a couple of hours. 
There is a cold start circuit on these cars. I don't deal with mine because I live in a temporate climate. You will find a small bottle of antifreeze on the firewall (right side, next to the wiper motor). I think the cold circuit injects this fluid into the intake during cold weather. I'm not sure what it is suppose to do exactly (probably help build the compression faster). I'm sure you will find the answers at www.rx7club.com. You'll probably want to make sure that this circuit is working.
Not all cars have that, I know CA cars do not, it injects warmed coolant into the carb and through independent from the fuel lines to heat the carb, it does not inject the coolant into the fuel system.
I drove some of mine all winter, granted we didn't have a LOT of snow but it was plenty cold, they are more fun in the cold but remember they are very low to the ground.
-30c is -22F. Still stinkin' cold. Y'all can have that crap, [Elvis] thankyuhvurrymuch.[/Elvis]
As a little update to this thread, the RX7 idea got canned... and the XR4Ti idea that I didn't divulge to you guys (until now!) is in.