My MR2 Spyder has sold. It is with mixed emotions that I send this car along. Its a car that I've loved driving and really intended to keep but it was time to move it along. My ability to justify it's inclusion in my stable has reached the end.
It's a strange thing when your rational side conflicts with your irrational side. My Rational side is constantly trying to justify decreasing the herd while my Irrational side is constantly pulling up Craigslist. While on CList to List the car I even found 2 cars that I wanted to send email inquiries about..
1st world problem I know but I thought it merited discussion (Again since I'm pretty sure we talk about this every month or so)
Sorry mtn you won't ever get to Autox it 
I understand nocones.. I am going through the same remourse as I begin parting my beloved Ti out... There just comes a time when a vehicle needs to move along.. in one piece or many
I know that feel, bro.
Actually, the older I get, the less I mind selling cars. If I end up finding one I really click with, I'll keep it around, otherwise there are way too many cool cars our there that I've never even driven, so I better get a move on if I want to experience them all! 
11/27/12 7:32 a.m.
Let me know when I have to go check out a car here in Wisconsin for you if you need that spot filled back up. 
"My Rational side is constantly trying to justify decreasing the herd while my Irrational side is constantly pulling up Craigslist. "
QFT. I think most, if not all of us struggle with this one. That's how I ended up with enough project cars to last me a life time and a half.
11/27/12 11:28 a.m.
I know exactly what you mean. For me, if it wasn't for space and money, I'd keep them all. But I can't.
I feel for ya and understand.
Last month I sold off an e30 (325is w/155k) and for even money replaced with a 110k Lesabre and a 69k Taurus.
Iam happy with the transaction but there is still the loss of a project that never fully developed.
Glad to see others struggle with this. It in a perverse way makes me feel better.
Not sure what's next for me Realistically need to finish the garage project and then the MG before I get anything else so that's probably what it will be.
After that.. I'm thinking 38 Dodge 4 door on a 2WD Ram Chassis with a Cummins Straight 6. Probably autox that a few times in XP for grinsies
In reply to nocones:
Yeah, I'd really like to see the MG going again. What was it, ~12-years ago I helped out a couple times? Damn time sure flies...
Yes.. Something like that. Very very sad that it's lingered so long but life happens I guess. Once I get the garage finished I will be back on it as fast as I can.
11/27/12 1:34 p.m.
nocones wrote:
Sorry mtn you won't ever get to Autox it
I'm not worried, I know that once that big shed of yours is finished you will fill it back up with more interesting stuff. Maybe a falcon
About a year ago I sold my 94 Miata and I'm still not sure if I made the right choice. I was hardly driving it and my young family was and still is taking more and more of my time. I did get a Bugeye WRX for a daddy car but its still not the same.
So all in all I feel your pain.
My theory behind "toys" is that if you dont ough any $$$ on them just out them away and come back to them. I did that with my 924s. I wish i did it with a couple otehr cars. My 75 Formula 400 (4 on the floor with a real pontiac 401 on GM code 29 paint) is probibly the most painful. But then i would not have got the 65 T bird that I traded it for. And I would like to have kept that as well. Ohwell I will get another one of both some day.