Capt Slow wrote:
friedgreencorrado wrote:
Travis_K wrote:
Here is the article i was talking about.
Its pretty obvious that the person who write it hasnt ever seen a real autocross.
I know it's been a couple of weeks, but I left a comment anyway. I attempted to remind the author that without an organized outlet for motorsport, there would be people going nuts on the street *all* the time.
Crap I should have known this was alameda. The local american autoX club just went through hell getting aprovale to use that site only to have it abritrarily yanked away from them after only one event. Then to see this sort of gross misrepresntation, makes me illl
When I checked back for updates (admittantly on Goog with just the name of the venue), the same paper/website/whatever seems to have been crowing about the entire deal being made irrelevant due to the presence of an endangered species on the site:
The author sees this kind of thing as a long term stop-gap measure. It isn't.
I grew up on the North Carolina Outer Banks, and we frequently had these kinds of issues as well, when it came to driving on the beach. In those days (the mid-to-late 1970s), there were still a couple of villages in the north without access to paved roads, and driving on the beach was their only option. We had a strong tradition of "beach driving", and when a couple of "threatned" species were discovered down south near Hatteras in the 1990s (ironically, IIRC the "Least Tern" was among them! ROFL!) there was eventually a compromise created where we could still drive on the beach outside of their nesting season. Yeah, there's still a few old folks who resent the seasonal restrictions, but for the most part we're happy to preseve our old tradition.
That link's for tourists, but explains a lot of the technical stuff we learned from our parents/g'parents. I was about 17, and the half-owner of a 1977 Jeep SJ station wagon, a "Cherokee" 2-dr that my father & I had bought new. IIRC, I wanted a Blazer since I knew more about Chevys, but he'd driven Jeeps during the Korean War, and really respected the name, so that's what he/we bought (and now you can tell he was no enthuisast, since he'd obviously missed the changes in the "Jeep" over those 35yr since he'd last driven one
I ended up loving the thing, though. Only thing that got through the sand a lil' better (the OBX ain't Daytona! The sand is soft) on deflated street tires was a buddy's Subaru BRAT.
Apologies for the hijack...I originallly just meant to say that there are ways around stuff like this for the folks in Alameda. And I still stand by my previous comment over there about this issue...without a facility and an organized sanctioning body of some sort, there will actually be MORE street racing in their community, not less.
Any of you Florida guys have any hard data on how much less street troubles there are since CFRC started doing the 1/8th pulls & the "crooked drags"?