Just picked up a pretty nice '89 Mustang 5.0 and T-5 package and need some solid info on a water pump for it.
Right now it's got a serpentine belt system and a ton of massive brackets and ancillaries bolted on up front, I need to cut it back to just a water pump, and alternator and crank. I'd prefer to run a simple V-belt as well.
The water pump is a reverse rotation, I need one that runs CW and was wondering . . .
What year water pump would be a bolt-on for the 5.0 timing cover, and wondering if a CW water pump would even work with the stock timing cover? Will I need to find a CW timing cover to run the CW pump?
Anyone know what year parts will mix and match? I'd heard that the water pump from the '82 F150 was a CW rotation pump, but still . . . will a CW pump work with a CCW timing cover?
VERY lost here, hoping that someone might be able to help out with the info that I desperately need.
Thanks !
In the past I have used the ALUMINUM 85 Crown Vic with a 351 to gain CW direction. I then just egg out the holes in the original serp pulley and run a new belt under the tensioner instead of over.
Will the aluminum Crown Vic water pump work with the stock CCW timing cover water pump pocket?
I HAVE to run a V-best, no room for the serpentine belt brackets and plates and tensioner and alternator positioning, so a new set of pulleys will be next.
Right now, it's the water pump problem.
Funny, there have been SO many little problems with this conversion . . . very unexpected.
Some of the aftermarket timing covers work both ways. I don't see how, but there you have it.
7/16/12 8:02 p.m.
Quite a few of the mg conversion guys run V-belts. You might give Pete and Mantell motorsports a call how he handles them: 217-688-2463 - I think he's been a grm advertiser at some point.
How about an electric pump? They aren't the cheapest solution, but if all else fails it will solve the packaging problem.
Same gasket for all the pumps....
I lost the pic, but I slid the alt on my ranger project to the drivers side with a piece of all thread, scrap alum spacer, leftover extendamirror bracket, and a turnbuckle. I still kept the serp belt. I used one of the front head holes and a water pump stud or two.
Got a diagram for how that belt runs? I can't imagine how it would come off of the crank towards the right, the water pump to the left and make it back around to the right to catch the alternator. Even if it were to come off of the crank to the left, it would still have to tuck under the water pump and come off of the water pump towards the left as well.
LOVE to see something on your set-up ! !
Would you have an email for Pete and Mantell motorsports? Much easier to describe my problem by laying it out clearly in an email, you know?
Even with the smooth pulley, I ran the belt over it. If the belt walked off the pulley, you had a bigger problem then the pulley itself.
Unless you are absolutely married to the V-belt configuration I'm gonna' steer you back to a serpentine belt and CCW rotation pump because it's simple and you're already almost there. Lots of guys in the Cobra world are running 3 pulley setups like these----
Driver's side configuration from Breeze:
Passenger side:

Yeah, I know, at first blush you think there isn't enough belt contact to work but there is. Unlike an alternator or power steering pump there is very little resistance to rotation with the water pump and there are hundreds of them out there that have performed flawlessly for years.
OR...although it retains the serp. belt here is one stop shopping for doing a standard rotation conversion:

Just a couple of options to consider.
Good luck!
If you wanted new, LMR or American Muscle (I forget which site I just saw it on) sells a non-reverse rotation water pump for a 5.0.
Thanks Guys,
The pics and web page info filled in all of the blanks !
On my Challenge car I used a water pump and alternator bracket for a Crown Vic. I used all of the 'Vic pulleys and for the two piece crank pulley I machined the back off of the power steering pulley to use as a spacer behind the other one.
It looks like the bottom photo JKleiner posted above except not so spendy.
Thanks Hrdly, I appreciate the detailed info ! !
What year Crown Vic was it? Do you remember?
Jegs/Summit have an off the shelf unit, see the Mustang Challenge build thread for details
I don't recall the exact year. It was just a 5.0 fuel injected 'Vic/Marquis. I don't have any photos anymore. It doesn't use a spring loaded tensioner so you only need three pullies... crank, waterpump, and alternator.
The trickiest thing, as I said was machining the two-piece crank pully. If you just seperate it and don't make the spacer then the belt will fly off.
Aussie has a good solution too, if you don't have access to a lathe.
I just now got off of the phone with Pete Mantell at Mantell Motorsports and he talked me through the problem beautifully. He's a God, to paraphrase the "Hamster."
Man, does he ever know his engines and SUCH a great guy. We spent some time talking and he ran through everything that I wanted to know with a couple of extra things that I needed to know.
I think that the water pump that Aussie is referring to is this one:
It's a direct bolt-on to the '89 5.0 timing cover, Easy Peasy, and will scootch me a bit more room up front as well. If the Crown Vic pump will run the old V-belt pulley from maybe an older 302 I might try that with the crank and alt. pulley as well.
Wonder why Ford makes it so damned difficult. I'd think that there would be a lot more interchangeability between their small blocks.
FWIW, for Ford water pumps all generally use the same gasket, but there are a lot of bolts used and unused.
Bottom pic shows the internal difference between a standard and reverse rotation timing cover.
Whoa . . ! !
Seems like I have this current problem semi-solved, but still, looks like a definite need for a small block Ford interchange guide, doesn't it? I thought that the V6 Buick/215/Rover timing cover interchange was getting complicated, NOTHING like Fords though.
I would have figured that Fords were like Chevys, just simple torque monsters with everything fitting on everything out of shear economics and simple stupidity.
WAY more complicated than I ever thought ! !