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Vajingo Reader
1/16/21 10:04 p.m.

Why the **** can't I just search by size and lug pattern? GFY tire rack. 

stuart in mn
stuart in mn MegaDork
1/16/21 11:06 p.m.

Discount Tire's website allows you to search for wheels the way you want, try them.

Driven5 UltraDork
1/16/21 11:26 p.m.

Tire Rack has never let you do this for yourself, that I can recall. However, in the past I have found them to be quite helpful in searching and filtering by specific criteria and providing a list of matching results, when contacted directly.

Alternatively, just plug in any car that can run similar size wheels to what you want, with the same bolt pattern and similar offset... While it's not great for the more technically savvy users, for the vast majority of likely scenarios, it's really not difficult enough to be worth pitching a fit over either.

I didn't buy my last set of wheels from them because their site is so limited on search options. That and their claim that the wheels I'm running wouldn't fit my car. 

At least you can still find tires by size on there. 



Rodan Dork
1/17/21 8:00 a.m.

I was looking on TR at wheels last night, and was surprised how much effort it took to find specific info like offset and lug patterns.  I don't remember it being that way in the past.  You couldn't search that way, but at least the info was easy to find for the wheel you were looking at.  They probably had to "idiot proof" it to keep folks from buying wheels that don't fit their car, but it makes it hard for anyone who understands wheel fitments.

And is it just me, or does TRs wheel selection suck these days?  

frenchyd PowerDork
1/17/21 8:19 a.m.
Driven5 said:

Tire Rack has never let you do this for yourself, that I can recall. However, in the past I have found them to be quite helpful in searching and filtering by specific criteria and providing a list of matching results, when contacted directly.

Alternatively, just plug in any car that can run similar size wheels to what you want, with the same bolt pattern and similar offset... While it's not great for the more technically savvy users, for the vast majority of likely scenarios, it's really not difficult enough to be worth pitching a fit over either.

We aren't pitching a fit. We are reasonably asking to be treated as capable adults. Who understand the difference between stock and modified. We don't need Tire Rack to to tell us No. you can't have those because they might rub going into a steep driveway or something.  
     List the tires by sizes. List the wheels by specs someplace and we can figure out what we need.  If you are worried about returns ( legitimate concern ) have us sign away a right of return for fitment issues. 
    If you are worried the average customer might stumble upon the secret site, lead off with a statement about no right of return for fitment issues,  beyond recommended sizes. You could even  trigger it in the ordering phase to double check intent to abandon thier right of return. 
By the way, doing this is a simple programming change your IT guy should be able to do easily. 

wvumtnbkr GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/17/21 8:46 a.m.

As I understand it, tire rack does this because they test the wheels on that vehicle.  They guarantee fit.


To the best of my knowledge, they have never let you search by wheel specs.


I just always go with a few vehicles that have the same lug pattern and see what wheels are offered for those vehicles in the size I want.


It works okay, but it sure would be nice to search by specs..


It is VERY difficult to find a trackable 15 x 10 with a 5 x 114.3 (5 x 4.5) bolt pattern.

Tyler H (Forum Supporter)
Tyler H (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand UberDork
1/17/21 9:07 a.m.

Agree that the website is frustrating, but I understand why they do it in the context of all of the different cars I see running around with ill-fitting aftermarket wheels.

Call them up on the old telephone.  They were very helpful and I had no issue getting exactly what I wanted quoted.



dps214 HalfDork
1/17/21 9:55 a.m.
Rodan said:

I was looking on TR at wheels last night, and was surprised how much effort it took to find specific info like offset and lug patterns.  I don't remember it being that way in the past.  You couldn't search that way, but at least the info was easy to find for the wheel you were looking at.  They probably had to "idiot proof" it to keep folks from buying wheels that don't fit their car, but it makes it hard for anyone who understands wheel fitments.

And is it just me, or does TRs wheel selection suck these days?  

What? Diameter, width, offset, and weight (if they have it) are listed in the main results page, bolt pattern and full specs are on the details page. I get the complaint about not being able to search by size directly, but nothing about it has changed recently.

It does seem like they're killing off some of their house brand wheels, but on the plus side I just got a pair of 19x11s for my Cayman (well, officially a 2010 911 turbo) for $50 each on closeout.

irish44j (Forum Supporter)
irish44j (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
1/17/21 6:58 p.m.

Funny, I was on there last week looking for wheels and was also annoyed that I couldn't search by lug pattern, size, etc. 

I got wheels elsewhere. I'm perfectly capable of knowing what wheels fit my vehicles. 

Bark3rd New Reader
1/17/21 11:47 p.m.

I bought a set of Sparco FF1s this week and had the same issue but I found the fix! Use the instant messaging and a rep will send you a link for you to buy without having to list a car (he listed one that worked for me).  I was having no luck guessing cars with 15" wheels and a 25 offset! 


bobzilla MegaDork
1/18/21 6:43 a.m.
Driven5 said:

Tire Rack has never let you do this for yourself, that I can recall. However, in the past I have found them to be quite helpful in searching and filtering by specific criteria and providing a list of matching results, when contacted directly.

Alternatively, just plug in any car that can run similar size wheels to what you want, with the same bolt pattern and similar offset... While it's not great for the more technically savvy users, for the vast majority of likely scenarios, it's really not difficult enough to be worth pitching a fit over either.

All of this. TR has never let you search wheel size and bolt pattern. 

bobzilla MegaDork
1/18/21 6:46 a.m.

In reply to frenchyd :

Or you can stop being lazy, pick up the phone and give them a call. In the 18 years I've dealt with the TR I have never not been able to find a solution for my needs and I have wierd car requirements usually. 

In reply to bobzilla :

That's not going to happen when I can go to another website and find the answer without having to deal with people. 

bobzilla MegaDork
1/18/21 6:53 a.m.

In reply to Toyman01 (Moderately Supportive Dude) :

but they're good people to deal with. And one (if not the only) family owned businesses (unless that's changed in the last year or 2). 

In reply to bobzilla :

I don't doubt it and I order a fair number of tires from them. But, as someone who doesn't like most people, I'm not going to call someone when I can find the answer on another website.

bobzilla MegaDork
1/18/21 7:34 a.m.

I look at it like this: Rock Auto is easy to use online, but they have absolutely zero CS. If it's wrong more often than not you're hosed. TR isn't as easy, but they have knowledgeable people ready to roll and you can even do it via chat if you are afraid of the phone and have amazing CS. 

bobzilla MegaDork
1/18/21 7:45 a.m.

Also, if you want to search for wheels by size eBay Motors does a decent job.


DeadSkunk  (Warren)
DeadSkunk (Warren) PowerDork
1/18/21 7:48 a.m.

Every time I go to TR a message box pops up asking if I need help. Looks pretty easy to me.

In reply to DeadSkunk (Warren) :

That popup is actually one of the most annoying things about their website. 


Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
1/18/21 8:36 a.m.
frenchyd said:
Driven5 said:

Tire Rack has never let you do this for yourself, that I can recall. However, in the past I have found them to be quite helpful in searching and filtering by specific criteria and providing a list of matching results, when contacted directly.

Alternatively, just plug in any car that can run similar size wheels to what you want, with the same bolt pattern and similar offset... While it's not great for the more technically savvy users, for the vast majority of likely scenarios, it's really not difficult enough to be worth pitching a fit over either.

We aren't pitching a fit. We are reasonably asking to be treated as capable adults. Who understand the difference between stock and modified. We don't need Tire Rack to to tell us No. you can't have those because they might rub going into a steep driveway or something.  
     List the tires by sizes. List the wheels by specs someplace and we can figure out what we need.  If you are worried about returns ( legitimate concern ) have us sign away a right of return for fitment issues. 
    If you are worried the average customer might stumble upon the secret site, lead off with a statement about no right of return for fitment issues,  beyond recommended sizes. You could even  trigger it in the ordering phase to double check intent to abandon thier right of return. 
By the way, doing this is a simple programming change your IT guy should be able to do easily. 

You've never worked with customers, have you? You cannot underestimate the ability of someone to order the wrong thing and how this will always be the fault of the seller. If you don't let them send back their mistake, they'll tell everyone they know about how much they hate you. Having someone post on a forum that they're cranky that they can't search for wheels in their own special way instead of having to (gasp!) email or (shock!) talk to someone is far less of a problem in terms of reputation and ongoing cost. And remember that bad fitment isn't always "rub when going into a steep driveway". Some 15" wheels will work just fine on a 2004 Miata. Others will make contact with the banjo bolt for the brake calipers. Can you tell me which? Are you willing to eat the price of a set of wheels to discover it? Because when you mount tires on them, you own them.

I have asked TR if it would be possible, as a long-standing dealer, to get the same search capabilities as their customer service reps. It was not possible, and was not "a simple programming change". 

They have opened up their fitment rules on some cars - the "STR" Miata variants showed up a few years ago, and they'll let you choose 15x9 wheels that won't fit on a Miata without fender rolling. Otherwise, the technically savvy adults know that there is a workaround. Just use a car that you know has the attributes you want. For an NA Miata, the E30 BMW is a good choice if you want lower offsets.

bobzilla MegaDork
1/18/21 8:40 a.m.

In reply to Keith Tanner :

Agreed. I spent 19 years dealing directly with retail customers..... Just when you think you've seen it all they find a way to surprise you with their arrogance and stupidity. 


Vajingo Reader
1/18/21 12:04 p.m.

In reply to Keith Tanner :

Gotta disagree here Keith. I know what you're saying with cranky piss ass customers that bad mouth you on the internet, but the way they are doing the website I will never buy from them. I'm not going type out a freaking email and wait (sometimes days) before I get a reply that ends up telling me "no those won't fit according to our computer system that could be wrong, instead, here's a list of wheels you never wanted."  No, instead I'm going to find my 17x9, 40 offset wheels that TOTALLY fit my nc Miata because all the people at Goodwin have verified they fit with the right tires and a roll. Also, I work 9-5, m-f. So I can't call them during work hours and wait on hold forever just to get the same reply back as the email. 

they should have a separate site, requiring a login, and that login means no returns on fitment issues. 

bobzilla MegaDork
1/18/21 12:08 p.m.

In reply to Vajingo :

You don't have to do any of that. First off, their website has NEVER offered the feature you're lookingfor. I've been using their site since 2005. Not there and wasn't an option. Secondly, there is a nice "Can I help you" chat feature that pops up and is manned by knowledgeable people and 3rdly you can just call them if you're in a hurry. They have a STRONG motorsports base and they strive to be the place us racers go to for our tire and wheel needs and they will go out of the way to help.

As has been stated MULTIPLE times in this thread, they use their fitment guide and stand behind it 100%. They do more work testing tires, testing fitment of wheels on vehicles etc than any other tire company out there.

EDIT: and to make things worse, here's their hours:

Not only do they have hours past 5pm, but they also have saturday hours and a live chat function when you start the search page. So now you just sound whiny.

Vajingo Reader
1/18/21 12:37 p.m.

In reply to bobzilla :

Well all right then I guess I was wrong. Does everybody feel happy now that they proved somebody wrong on the internet? 

This still does not change the fact that they are doing things completely different from the way that every website on the Internet does it. And calling somebody is not more convenient, emailing somebody is not more convenient. The entire reason you go to a website is for the convenience of *not* doing those things. I want my lookup by size and dimensions and if you don't have it, you don't get my business. 
How is anyone supposed to know that at 10pm on a Friday, the annoying little box that pops up and says "would you like me to assist you" is not going to be some random person in another country that is just going to peddle easy answers at you until you give up? Because that's what those little chat boxes are. Everywhere. 

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