I'm looking to swap parts around so I can move my good passenger seat over to replace my worn our drivers seat. Mostly I want the better back section, the base is ok. This is on a 1st gen neon sedan, so no fold forward stuff to muck with. Can it be done?
If you just want to swap cushions it should be pretty easy.
Usually the seats are not exactly symetrical to one another. So even if you actually get them to bolt together, you end up with a weirdly offset or twisted seat.
None the less, it only takes a little time to try it and see.
i swap cushions all the time.
lately done on a set of early 90's suburban seats.
keep the frames, as theyre ususally side sepcific. same with all the metal parts, really.
the cushions should swap pretty easily. may have to add a hole or two due to different retention points. i dont know, as i yavemt done a set of neon seats yet. thats on the list for stuff i need to get done, though. (repair bolsters on ACR seats)
Buy yourself a pair of hogring pliers and a bag of hogrings. There is no substitute.
and buy the good ones. i use ones from JC Whitney, and theyre pretty bad. but they are paid for.....