So, I'm currently on the way to Newfoundland. Coming through Lincoln, Nebraska, I spotted the GRM MX-5 sitting outside a hotel. Too late, I thought of how funny it would be to pull up beside it, unload the two Targa cars, take a picture and then just skedaddle before anyone noticed. Or say hi to whatever GRM staffer was driving it as they came out to find out why a big trailer was unloading cars. Instead, I just confounded my codriver with my babbling as we went by.
Shortly after, a nice E36 came up behind us and pulled level. The two guys inside were waving quite enthusiastically - and I logged in to my hotel to find out it was John Hunter, one of the GRM forum guys and a Very fast Miata driver. Made a long day a little more interesting!
Thanks for the update...keep them coming. We're rooting for you guys...
have a safe trip and an awesome event!
yes, definitely want as many updates as you have time for!!!
Seen on road today: an autocross Mustang driving and a 1993-95 autocross Civic on a trailer. And, umm, Iowa and Illinois. And Ohio. Not the most exciting updates.
Keith wrote:
Seen on road today: an autocross Mustang driving and a 1993-95 autocross Civic on a trailer. And, umm, Iowa and Illinois. And Ohio. Not the most exciting updates.
where are you crossing into canada, and when? are you going to be in the detroit area?
I saw a delorean swamp boat on a trailer a couple days ago. Like this, but with a delorean body. Very weird.

Travis, that is really weird.
Angry, I'm heading out through Maine, so I'm crossing somewhere in Stephen King land. I'll be crossing at Sarnia on the way back. Detroit is being purposefully left off the menu due to the lineup at the border.
Keith wrote:
Travis, that is really weird.
Angry, I'm heading out through Maine, so I'm crossing somewhere in Stephen King land. I'll be crossing at Sarnia on the way back. Detroit is being purposefully left off the menu due to the lineup at the border.
what day are you coming through Sarnia / Port Huron, and what's your route out of michigan?
Depends how long I stay in Ottawa. At the moment, it looks like I'll cross on Monday the 26th. Once into MI, we'll take I-69 (dude!) down to I-94.
9/2/11 12:10 a.m.
What route will you be taking on the way back through Illinois?
And yes, Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana are three of the most boring states to drive through.
Our route's pretty easy to figure - draw a line between North Sydney, NS and Grand Junction, CO. I'm heading out via the US side and back via the Canadian side. Through Iowa/Nebraska/Illinois, that means I-80.
Looks like the locals have started Targa early: