I'm rebuilding the rear on Jean Clyde Damn Van (92 GMC Safari 2wd SBC). Went to remove the shackles on the leaf springs and the bolts through the bushings at the rear of the springs (lower shackle bolt) is seized to the metal collar in the bushing. I don't think heat is an option. The springs are fiberglass. I most likely will need to cut the bolt head to get the shackle off the leaf.
On the end of the spring is an aluminum bracket riveted to the fiberglass that contains the bushing. Can I grind off the rivet heads, remove them, and remove the brackets so I can put them in a vise on the bench to get the bolts out? Then bolt them back onto the springs?
I also can't seem to find replacement bushings. I assume I'm going to need them seeing as how the metal collar moves with the bolt and is no longer attached to the rubber of the bushing. Would a solution be to measure and find poly bushings to replace the rubber with?
Thanks in advance!
I have the same springs on my '93 AWD Astro. My fiberglass spring are starting to show delamination, so I picked a pair up from a pick-n-pull. I haven't installed them, but fully expect to have the problem you are having, so I am following along.
You might take a look at Astrosafari.com forum. There is a ton of useful technical info there and folks willing to help. Also, I seem to remember that the driver front shackle bolt won't come out due to proximity to the fuel tank. Lower tank or cut bolt. Then put a new bolt in the "right" way when re-assembling :) I took a quick look on the forum, and yes, others have the problem of the bolt seizing in the bushing. Hunt around the forum and maybe there's a useful solution.
Drill it out but start small and take extra care to center the pilot hole perfectly. This is the secret to extracting bolts, if the hole is drilled off center threads will be ruined if drilled to bolt size.
In reply to Cadman5 :
Been to the forums. A lot BFH in the answers.
In reply to bentwrench :
Considering this as an option. I bought centering drills awhile ago for a different job. Not worried about threads either. It's lodged in the collar of the bushing.
Here's what I'm looking at. I'm trying to install a flip kit which uses longer shackles. I'd rather not try the front spring mount on account of the whole fuel tank blocking the bolt thing.

Do you have a ball joint C clamp available? Hole in the c with the head of the bolt in the middle, threaded portion pushing on the threaded end of the bolt, probably with the nut screwed on a bit to give a flatter surface for pushing. Now, some ugga duggas.
If that doesn't break it loose, drill for days.
So I decided to let this sit with PB blaster. Wouldn't you know it, the other side is the same. So much for throwing flip kit in easily!