9/26/23 3:01 p.m.
So this past weekend I got to go see the Steward for the first time ever in 36 years of Homer moment (Simpson not the Greek Odyssey guy)
I was running a vintage race at Buttonwillow on 25CCW. In the Saturday race I was chasing a Volvo 1800 with way more oomph then the little Datsun 1200 has.
On lap 4 I hung back slightly in the esses and got a run on him going into the Star Mazda was a thing of beauty.
Unfortunately there was a standing yellow; I gave a quick look coming up the esses and thought the flag had been pulled but nope.
I told the Steward it was hard to see with my helmet wedged up my butt.............he smiled and told me I understood.
We are always touting our glorious exploits so I though I share the not so glorious for a change.
Tom1200 said:
I told the Steward it was hard to see with my helmet wedged up my butt.............he smiled and told me I understood.
So, the issue was rectumfied?
9/26/23 4:14 p.m.
Driven5 said:
So, the issue was rectumfied?
Yes there was a load popping sound and I was suddenly back to being heads up on track.
Good on you for admitting a mistake.
I had a similar issue at laguna Seca where I passed on the inside into the 2nd to last corner. I wasn't looking at the flag stand...
Sure enough, got a black flag!
When I hit the "penalty box", they asked me if knew what I did, I said yes!
"I ran passed somebody under a yellow flag and then promptly spun the car.... on my out lap! I might have been a wee bit too aggressive!"
The steward kinda chuckled. He let me go without further penalty.
We won that race after 8 hours by 1 lap!
That is 1 of 3 black flags I have received in 15 years of racing.
I only spotted for oval-track cars twice, both when I first started in the sport at age 17.
The first time I thought I was incredible. The driver said he didn't hear me. He then asked, "Did you turn the radio on?" D'oh!
The second time out, I didn't tell him about a car in his blind spot, and he came down on the other car in the corner and spun the other guy out. We got black-flagged for that and had to qualify through the last-chance race. Double d'oh!
This all happened in the same night and that was the end to my brief spotting career.
Darn, I came to thread this looking for the latest developments in the on again/off again relationship between Odysseus and Penelope.
I thought we were going to have a discussion of Home Depot Car Parts
9/27/23 10:08 a.m.
Not mine, but I remember we held an autocross at the local private race track, which had a ton of elevation changes, and cars were completely out of sight from the paddock area because they went down over a hillside at two separate points. We send one car out, he gets halfway around the track, we send the second car out. About 15 seconds later we got a "Red Flag!" called over the radio, and when we asked why, the course worker said "We got a driver without a helmet on." So both cars are down over the hillside, and we're trying to figure out who is out there and someone goes "Oh, that first driver was a novice, that's probably who it is." That car pops up over the hillside and we can see the novice has his helmet on. Okay, who's the second car then? The other car pops up over the side and we can see the driver doesn't have a helmet on. And he's one of the safety stewards for the event. He comes into the pits and we're all hassling him about it, good-naturedly. He was pretty embarrassed about the whole ordeal.
9/27/23 10:52 a.m.
OK so here is the video:
Minute 2:20 to 2:40 is the sequence. My last lap starting at minute 7 has a few send it moments as well.