If your gonna replace the mount anyways...find something in the shop that is long and can take a beating (anyway I say it, it's going to sound sexual) Then line that up with the sheered bolt in question, then hit your long and hard object with a hammer, thus forcing the bolt out. This will strip threads, but since you're replacing the mount (bolts too) then youre good
If it's threaded into cast iron, there is a local guy who is a wizard with a torch. I've paid him $20 to remove a bolt in a blind hole without destroying the threads. He heats it carefully and then with a blast off O2, it's gone. A quick chase with a tap to finish the clean out and you're back in business. You might check with a local machine shop to see if a local near you has the same touch. If it's in aluminum, heat and an EZ Out.
Tough one...Left handed drill is my #1 choice in these trials of faith, but I've used the Snap-on/BluePoint extractors, and the squarish tapered ones, and the tapered drill looking things that you can only ever find with the tip broken off. But every flippin' one of them requires space for a drill, and unless you also have a right angle drive for the drill, THAT becomes a real pain...The torch idea works well, but it takes nerve and skill to avoid ruining what threads you have. If the space you're using can get a torch in, that might just be the way to go if you can find someone to drive the torch.
bamalama wrote:
patgizz wrote:
i vote 3 bolts is just as good as 4 not seeing a picture of said bracket.
75% as good, anyway.
Yup, at least...unless there's a gasket with water or oil under it and then maybe not so much...
Looks like a satanic symbol.
Where do you put the goat?
StevenFV19 wrote:
If your gonna replace the mount anyways...find something in the shop that is long and can take a beating (anyway I say it, it's going to sound sexual) Then line that up with the sheered bolt in question, then hit your long and hard object with a hammer, thus forcing the bolt out. This will strip threads, but since you're replacing the mount (bolts too) then youre good
There's nowhere for that bolt to go further IN other than breaking through my transmission case and then going into the transmission, causing some very expensive and hard to fix problems. 
Anyways, forgot to take a picture, because like i said, i'm borderline retarded. 
What little rigidity i gained on Monday by replacing my left and ride side mounts seems to be gone again, so i imagine that the two non-solid mounts left are completely hosed now.
Oh well.
I'll take care of it this weekend. Pictures will probably have to wait til then, since i remembered that in order for me to expose that mount, i've gotta take the intake off, and the apartment complex frowns upon such shenanigans.
Hush, you. 
It was your responsibility to make sure that i was removing the right part.

Shoulda bought the Swift.
Bobzilla wrote:
Shoulda bought the Swift.
You're asking more than i pay for cars.
Also: loltorque
We would also accept the answer of: After seeing you complain about that thing nonstop for the last couple months, i'm good on all that. 
Not complaining.... just frustrated about car prep!
Bobzilla wrote:
Not complaining.... just frustrated about car prep!
I hear that... and i've already got my share of that, don't need any more. 
I'm just messing with you, as always.
NYG95GA wrote:
jamscal wrote:
Looks like a satanic symbol.
Where do you put the goat?
(scratches head) Huh?
I was referring to the pic of the Math Circle :) Thought I'd be the next post down.
You know how you draw a pentagram in the dirt and spill chicken blood over...never mind.
Sorry, continue.
can you poist a line drawing/shop manual drawing of the mount in question?
If i could upload it from work, yeah. That part is taken care of, though. I was trying to remove the bracket, not the mount, because i'm an idiot.
Oh, here we go:

I can't believe I just remembered (and noone else has yet) the correct answer for any stuck bolt/nut.