So, built a new pole barn and in the process of setting up a small workshop to tinker on my Answer (and possible future projects). It's getting there but lacks swag. My GRM calendar is the only thing I have and it's lonely. What's your favorite shop decoration? Where did you get it? Pics are good.
No photos, but I have the rear spoiler off of a 2008 911 Turbo that I can't find a home for. I think I'm going to turn it into some kind of garage wall art.
I love hanging old and broke parts on my shop wall. Old sbc aluminum intake manifold, spare bent bbs wheel, Datsun l28 valve cover, timing chain gear. And Im a firm believer of anything mounted cookef or upside down is automatically "art". Ive also got an old 1940s "genuine chevrolet parts sold here" tin sign I got from my grandfathers old chevy dealership
I've got the cheesey Craftsman saw blade clock. Way back when, I got my first place with a garage, and bought my first air compressor, my late grandpa bought me an impact gun, and set of metric impact sockets. He decided my new garage needed a clock too. It's a little kitsch, but it's got sentimental value, has been in every garage I've had since.

One of the handiest things I have on my wall is a big Starrett drill to tap size, and conversion charts.

Beer signs, favorite sports ball team stuff (Woo Pig Sooie!), random car posters/swag from shows and events.
In reply to bigdaddylee82: Can't argue with the Starrett chart! Been there, used that many a time!
I'm kind of fascinated that Grosh has entered the GRM language as an actual word.
As far as decorations, I'm currently at the "hanging drywall" phase still. I do have Grosh art from mndsm and the readers rides page from this month's magazine that will both be framed and put up.
Legend has it, one guy is using license plates as a sort of wallpaper
I have some fairly typical wall hangings.

A few framed posters go a long ways to classy up an otherwise dark and gloomy workspace.
Shameless plug for my build thread: my GRM garage build thread
I got some tire banners and used them to decorate. My favorite example:

I somehow ended up with a plastic GRM banner from a lemons event we won. I really don't know how I got it. I found it last fall when I was cleaning out a bunch of stuff.
OHSCrifle wrote:
Legend has it, one guy is using license plates as a sort of wallpaper
I have been deservedly shamed into starting. I like it. 
Nice stuff, y'all. I'm thinking it should start with a kitsch shop clock. I'd really like some Mazda swag to keep my Answer company. Hmmm... Keep the ideas coming
Get some girly posters. Most car shows have at least one vendor selling them. Some of the less classy car and bike mags have been known to have centerfolds or bikini issues you can cut pics out of.
Even if you don't like girls, every shop needs at least one babe on the wall. It's like a rule or something. 
I think this poster actually came with some springs I bought years ago.
I found these old hubcaps at the dump. I was dropping off some dead wheels and tires and there was a whole stack of them. These were the only ones nice/interesting enough for me to keep.

Shops get all kinds of promotional signs and banners that often get thrown out, sometimes unused in the wrapper! Ditto bars and liquor stores. Keep in touch with the local shops you frequent and you might get lucky.

I have the front bumper off the JIC Magic S15 Silvia time attack car hanging from my ceiling. I picked up after an event at Road Atl. I agree random car parts make great decoration.
Don't forget the fridge! No magnets or posters for it? Time for a flame job!

Don't force it. This is my garage after 25 years of accumulating random crap. Start small and don't try to fill it all at once. I haven't donated plates to The Grosh because almost every one of mine reminds me of the car or cars they were on or what I was doing back when I got them. Would you rather point to the lone plate on the wall and tell awed visitors about how you had to take it with you because the $100 car wasn't in your name yet and was on fire so you hitch hiked and got a ride home with a one armed man named Clem that smelled of liverwurst or say "I got it on sale at Pep Boys"?

My friend and his dad and some friends have a communal garage, and each fall they host a BBQ. At the bottom of the invite: If you have something you'd like to see hung on the walls, bring it.
I have this in my garage. No you can't have it.

4/19/15 7:16 p.m.
Mazdax605 wrote:
I have this in my garage. No you can't have it.
I see you live in Massachusetts.... what are your work hours, and how big is your dog?
4/19/15 7:19 p.m.
Junkyard_Dog wrote:
Don't force it. This is my garage after 25 years of accumulating random crap. Start small and don't try to fill it all at once. I haven't donated plates to The Grosh because almost every one of mine reminds me of the car or cars they were on or what I was doing back when I got them. Would you rather point to the lone plate on the wall and tell awed visitors about how you had to take it with you because the $100 car wasn't in your name yet and was on fire so you hitch hiked and got a ride home with a one armed man named Clem that smelled of liverwurst or say "I got it on sale at Pep Boys"?
That's the whole reason I mailed him my MN plate- that's actually the third in a set of four of those- one is on my car, one is missing, and one is brand new in the wrapping. I ordered them many moons ago. After a roadside counselling discussion of how vulgar it was I didn't have a front plate, I zip tied it to the front of the car, as low as possible. It bent to conform to the lower lip, and eventually ground some off, and then fell off. I then told the DMV one went missing and since they're personalized, they gave me two new ones. I'm once again back to being a scofflaw, so I figured I could mail out an extra.
4/19/15 8:02 p.m.
Junkyard_Dog wrote:
I found these old hubcaps at the dump. I was dropping off some dead wheels and tires and there was a whole stack of them. These were the only ones nice/interesting enough for me to keep.
You should have also grabbed a non-interesting one. You could have made it interesting with a cheap clock kit.
As far as I'm concerned, there is only one Grosh, and it's located well to the southwest of right here.
My garage is currently a mess, but here are a few shots of my wall art.

When my daughter was five, she referred to the sign on the left as "That picture of Mommy in the garage".

This was a gift from my sister:

the walls are where old broken parts and other useless things that you have amassed should wind up.. here is what i see when i look up to find out how much time i've wasted on whatever i'm screwing around with in the garage:

bent ceramic headers and useless shiny bling parts around a $5 clock from the local thrift store... i made the Metallica sign when i operated a flat laser 6 years ago... this pic was taken last summer, i've added more coolness since then..