I've grown weary of the Samurai. It's a cool little machine, but I almost never drive it. So it's time to move it on. I've listed it for sale without much luck. It's a niche vehicle and around here they don't sell for much. I have come across a trade deal that has possibilities. For a boat.
This one.

This is actually a boat I've been looking for for a long time. It's a 20' Shamrock Cuddy Cabin. It's a true inboard not a IO, not a OB. This one is in fair condition. He's willing to deal.
The problem is it would be another project because it needs a lot of TLC. No major problems, but a lot of little stuff. Mostly cleaning, but it is a boat and they always need something.
Do I really need another project? No. Do I want the boat? Yes. This would take time away from SanFord, the Abomination, and all the other little projects I have that aren't finished. It would also put a dent in my autocrossing and rallycrossing next summer.
Decisions, decisions.
Ian F
12/6/17 9:16 a.m.
Insert obligatory comment about boats and holes in the water...
Otherwise, if it's an itch than needs to be scratched, then it's hard to argue. Looking at it, I think the other guy is getting the better end of this deal and you should get some cash as well.
Is he going to giving you a lot of cash to take his headache?
How much could you buy this boat for Vs. selling the Samurai? This would be my first concern, then I would have think if I wanted to trade a running driving car for something that needs work and be towed in order to use it.
20' Shamrocks range from $5k on into the $15k range. The closest one to me on the market is in similar condition and is listed at $6900. I have listed the Samurai as low as $4500 and gotten nowhere, so values are similar and in the long run I'll come out ahead because the boat is more marketable in my area.
I say do Whatever floats your boat
I do like Shamrocks! I will admit, they are up there with Whaler in regards to "irrational values". I'd like to have a boat just like that myself.
12/6/17 9:50 a.m.
What are the best two days of a boat owners life? The day you buy it and the day you sell it.
Boats, airplanes and the like are things that I let friends own. That way when they invite me I can bring the beer/food whatever, have a great time for the day and be done.
Ian F
12/6/17 9:52 a.m.
Toyman01 said:
20' Shamrocks range from $5k on into the $15k range. The closest one to me on the market is in similar condition and is listed at $6900. I have listed the Samurai as low as $4500 and gotten nowhere, so values are similar and in the long run I'll come out ahead because the boat is more marketable in my area.
In that case, why not. He's got something you want and vice-versa.
Living as close to the water as I do, it sometimes surprises me I've managed to avoid the boat itch. It helps to ride down to the local marina and look at the dozens of boats there that haven't moved in years.
Why not, it should make you happy so I say yes.
12/6/17 9:59 a.m.
Assuming there is no rot, I'd be game for it.
$4500??? I had not seen it that low. Got any current photos?
Absolutely....a day on the water beats a day at work always
Boats and racecars (or four wheelers) are the same. Both hobbies involve lots of projects, money, and time. To me, it sounds like you'd be trading one hobby for another. That seems fine.
Based of the money it might be worth it. Now you need to answer the second part is it worth getting rid of a know good car for an expensive project. You listed a number of other projects, when would you have time to fit the boat in?
Paul B
Bartering, to me, means we both walk away happy with the trade. This sounds like an opportunity you've been waiting for for a while, and the cost is something you haven't used in a long time. I say go for it.
If it floats, berks, or flys, it's cheaper to rent than buy.
Does anyone else think that one looks like a mini S.S. Minnow?
12/6/17 12:17 p.m.
Trade for that? Not a chance.
Price looks high for the Samurai
spitfirebill said:
$4500??? I had not seen it that low. Got any current photos?

This is a couple of months ago.
In reply to Suprf1y :
Samurai are a lot like Shamrocks. Prices are all over the place. From $500 junkers to $15k shiny ones.
12/6/17 4:30 p.m.
Been in the Suzuki game for 20 years 
Still have a half dozen of them
12/6/17 4:49 p.m.
Have you tried ebay for the samurai or bringatrailer