Okay, here's the backstory.
We did rather well in FSAE from '99 to '08, then decided to try our hand at Formula Hybrid, because FSAE was becoming rather stagnant. We did pretty well in that, almost comically so, and have decided to come back to FSAE for the foreseeable future. While we were "gone" in FH, the quality of teams has significantly improved and there's a lot more international teams competing stateside. So we've really got our work cut out for us. This year's car, dubbed AMR-14 (14th car we've made, one per year since '99), is pretty different from what we've done in the past. Since we haven't done FSAE in a while, we're dealing with a much lower vehicle weight, so we're starting over on a lot of things.
While four-stroke engines up to 610cc are allowed, we're going with a YFZ450R. Yes, we'll be making less power, but some back-of-the-hand calculations tells us we'll be 100-120 pounds lighter than a comparable 4-cyl car for the lighter engine and all that comes with it (lighter exhaust, intake, mounts, axles, etc).
We're focusing on light weight this year, but contrary to popular belief, you don't need a carbon chassis to go superlight. We've got some brilliant guys on Chassis Team this year, and they've managed to design a steel-tube chassis that weighs 60lbs and is strong enough for 2G lateral acceleration, 5G bump, and 1400+ ftlb/deg.
Right now, our Solidworks model is weighing in at 283lbs, but that's missing a few things like seat, paint, dacron, nosecone, etc. Even with Solidworks' notoriously conservative weight estimates, we're hoping to come in below 330lb dry. If we hit the 300lb mark, I'm going to owe several people on the team their beverage of choice.
Here's a render of the car from right before break:

Yamaha YFZ450R
Drexler Formula Student differential
Brembo P2.34 calipers
Tilton 77-series MCs
Ohlins TTX25 Dampers
Hoosier 18x7x10 LC0s
Keizer 10x7 Aluminum barrels, custom centers
Here's our Facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/texasamracing
I'll keep updating this thread and answer any questions anyone has.