Hi guys,
I thought I'd start a thread like last year and share some of the sights from the Mitty for those who can't make it. I'll keep updating it throughout the weekend.
So let's get this thing started. It's test day today at Road Atlanta. There's all kinds of cool stuff on track and in the paddock, but one of the most noticeable presences is the field of Can Am cars this year. And one of the best things about the Mitty is you can roam the paddock, get a close look at the cars and watch the crews work.
For those of you who can make it, gates open tomorrow and tickets are available at the track.

Ed Higginbotham wrote:
Seriously, can you imagine the testicular/ovarian fortitude needed to go flat out in an old Can-Am car abck in the day? Either that or the amazing lack of imagination. Sort of like this from a power to weigh and safety view point

Ooooooh! I like that MkI Escort.
Time for round 2!
Met Phil Wicks today. He was one of the stunt drivers in the original version of "The Italian Job" and he drives this extremely well prepared Mini. Out of 42 races started in this car, he's won 39.

This Jaguar XJ 13 passed me today. Whether or not it's genuine is not yet known. I'll have to track him down and ask.

And I figured I'd share this for inspiration for whoever is currently in possession of the hot potato Europa:

Lots of good on-track action today. Come out and take in the real races this weekend.

DeadSkunk wrote:
Ooooooh! I like that MkI Escort.
I just now looked up from my spot in the media center to catch that very Escort jump the curbing on the inside of turn 12 to get around a Porsche.
I squirmed.
I'm sure he did too.
Ed Higginbotham wrote:
Steet legal! I so love the shape of this car. I wonder what engine they managed to fit under that hatch?
A few more from yesterday.

XJ13. IT's not THE real one. There is and ever only has been one. It was crashed in testing and rebuilt later is mildly different form. It has always been owned by Jaguar in the UK, they may bring it here, but it sure as hell wouldn't be on local plates.
In reply to Adrian_Thompson:
Correct. It's a very well done replica.
Yesterday we had some rain in the morning. Spotted one of our forum members out on track.

But everything cleared up in the afternoon. Nothing but blue skies from now on!

Nice pics - thanks for sharing. Isn't this the weekend all the canoe guys go crazy with the forum thus making you all crazy while you are away? 
4/23/16 11:21 a.m.
Getting ready for touring laps. Old and new with the orange one being mine. I had a 66 but not a Shelby.

The fan walk today featured all kinds of heavy hitters from back in the day.

Don't try this at home.

Because the answer needs an off-road version.

Lots of our project cars on display.

Yesterday was awesome. We had a record crowd and the car corrals were filled with interesting cars.

Great weekend for camping, too.

Isn't this crankwalk? I thought he moved to Alaska!

friedgreencorrado wrote:
Isn't this crankwalk? I thought he moved to Alaska!
That car had an Alaska plate on it, so probably.
friedgreencorrado wrote:
Isn't this crankwalk? I thought he moved to Alaska!
Yep, got to talk to him for a few seconds. I was really hoping he had driven it all the way from Alaska, but he keeps it in the Georgia area.
Paying for the trip with hubcaps. Now that is GRM.
4/26/16 11:34 a.m.
So jealous as I have this on my plans for future trips to the Hotlanta area...
In reply to MadScientistMatt:
Man, I never noticed the plate. Just had a flashback to his avatar on his LC thread, I guess.