I recently had a close call with an early Miata that got away. Long story, but I didn't move quickly enough.
This all began when I started to think about building an MG for The Challenge. As I searched (not that hard), I kept driving past a Miata that hadn't moved in at least five years. In spite of my Challenge dreams, a Miata really seemed like a better idea.
A closer look determined that, somehow, the Miata was completely rust free. It was parked in front of an unoccupied house and wasn't actively for sale on CL, FM or eBay, though the house was. I kept driving past the house with cash in my pocket in the hope of finding someone there. Sometime between noon yesterday and 7:30 this morning, the car disappeared. Poop.
Now I'm pissed/motivated.
Today, I took a longshot and reached out to the guy (three states away) who bought one of my old cars back in 2011. He's an older guy who has a history of keeping cars for a long time (he bought the Miata because he has had the same Lotus Elan since the 70's and "wanted something a little bigger"), so there may be a chance that he still has it.
I've owned four Miatas: a '95, two '96s and a 2000. I prefer the '94-'97 cars, but wouldn't pass on a nice NB. I don't know NBs as well, so I don't really know what to look for. The interior of my 2000 was admittedly more comfortable than the earlier cars, but I like the look of the NA better, as well as the idea of the aluminum hood and trunk lids.
I know that NAs can get rusty in the rockers, but the NB that looked rust free when I bought it seemed to eat it rockers and quarter panels in less than a year.
My wife has been notified that I'm not going to hesitate on the next good car that comes along.
So...again, long story short, I am not opposed to hearing about any cars that you might find for sale that are within reasonable driving distance from New England.
This won't likely be a Challenge car, but it most certainly will be a a track car.