4/28/15 2:05 p.m.
Alright. I need an information dump from GRM: 1965 Simca 1000 Coupe. And GO!
- Parts availability/swapability
- How much room in the back seat? Occasional child seat in the back even a possibility?
- What to look at when I go and look a project car?
- Is it based on a Fiat 850 coupe?
- ???
For other people who have never seen one either:
4/28/15 2:19 p.m.
This one actually.
They used to be all over France and the hot versions like the Simca 1000 Rallye are still running hillclimbs in Europe so there has to be at least some aftermarket. I would think you may have to be able to at least email in French to access it.
Not sure if you can fit a child seat in the back (plus I don't think they ever had rear seatbelts). They do sit four people, but it's not a huge car. Edit: Sorry, was thinking of the four door. I doubt that the coupe has any more space, though.
Look for rust, IIRC they are mechanically fairly durable but tend to dissolve at the first sign of rain. Glass and basically anything non-mechanical that isn't also shared with the 1000 saloon.
4/28/15 2:25 p.m.
Thanks Tim. My wife speaks French so if something happens that I buy this car, I've got that going for me! I saw some more pictures of the rear 'seat'. It doesn't look like more than a parcel shelf that fold down into a padded parcel shelf. Not a seat belt to be seen. I suppose I could add seat belts... Kid safety has a whole new meaning when they're yours.
Problem with most European small cars of that era is that you end up having to add strengthening plates etc to even make seat belts feasible. I doubt it's something that would faze the regular GRMer, though
There are a bunch more classic car mags in France, but I at least remembered this one as a potential information source:
First of Hell yeah!!! One of my favorite coupes of the era. They are gorgeous.
They share a few things with the 850 family but not much overall. Similar transverse leaf spring front end. Similar semi trailing rear. The transaxle again is similar but not the same. The ring and pinion will bolt into a Fiat 850 transmission. I think the Simca motor spins clockwise while the Fiat is counter clockwise.
I would think that these are getting rare and desirable enough that engine swaps would devalue them, but I would love to see something like what Burrito is doing to his coupe.

Or is it the Bertone coupe

4/28/15 2:41 p.m.
From the one picture in the ad, it's like the blue car. I thought both were Bertone and the silver one with the open grille was the 1200s...?
If I were to do any engine work I'd try to work out how to build an engine similar to the Rallye/Rallye 3 engine and use that. A little over 100bhp should move it along nicely, and it'll still look and feel original.
4/28/15 2:46 p.m.
Apparently the Omni/Horizon got a 1.6 liter version of the same engine in the mid 80s.
If this happens, I'm not planning on anything crazy, mostly a summer time cruiser.
The greenhouse on that car look so very good.
And quite familiar. 
RossD wrote:
My wife speaks French so if something happens that I buy this car, I've got that going for me!
stop right there and abort mission. She'll be involved in knowing what is being done to the car and will likely know the cost of all the parts and components that you're installing. I'd slowly step back and walk away.
4/28/15 3:09 p.m.
In reply to drummerfromdefleopard:
She's alright with it! She's on my side.
I know it isn't uncommon for the VW 16V head to be modified to fit the 1300 blocks

And I remembered correctly. At first glance the front suspension is similar but where an 850 uses a king pin housing and steering box the Simca uses ball joints and a rack

4/28/15 3:16 p.m.
That's some good info about the ball joints and steering rack. Thanks guys. I've looked at more pictures and the back seats might be better than I initially thought.
4/29/15 7:35 a.m.
I'm still on the fence with the whole kids seat and what not. Someone enable like only GRM can...
You only live once and it will be something your kids will remember for the rest of their lives. Hows that?
It is small enough to make a miata seem like a mid size car, takes 18 -20 seconds to get up to 60 mph and when it is there it will be screaming at 4500rpm. It has zero crash protection and spare parts will need to be shipped from overseas. Even finding the original sized tires will be difficult.
I would drive it every day. 
4/29/15 10:09 a.m.
AAAaaaand it's gone. I guess I should have jumped.