Prius one morning gave a red triangle on the dash and a code of POA4B. Gas engine would not engage, battery only.
I had it towed in Friday. I'm picking it up tonight after being told "chewed wires".
I hop in and have a big red triangle and no gas engine!
I am now sitting here why they try to decide what they charged me $399 for.

Because Kasper are filthy crooks. You should have been there when i laid into their sales manager on the floor in front of other potential customers
5/21/18 4:08 p.m.
Do we need another Hennessy honda thread?
I hate Kasper too!!! I mostly hate them because they peddle the ultra-scammy Warranty Forever.
They pulled the car back to the front and told me it was a P0121 code. They said it's cleared and it is okay. I had forgotten to bring my own code reader. I left and got about half the 3 miles home and it was reading a CEL again. I stopped home and got my reader which said P1116.
I took the car back and have left it there and got a ride home from the Service Shuttle.
Not that I'm taking the dealer's side, but does this cost include replacing the portion of the wiring harness that was chewed? At an independent shop, they might just splice in and solder some wire to repair it, but I'm wondering if because it is the dealer, they are obligated to actually replace the harness.
At first reading it was a Toyota dealership I was thinking your thread title was some kind of joke. Sadly it’s not. I thought the only crooked dealer service depts sold what were once known as “American made” products. Apparently not anymore.
I just heard today that one of the Japanese carmakers's wiring is so tasty to rodents that the manufacturer is now selling a rodent resistant or repellant tape to wrap wires in.
That looks like 2.5 hours of diag/work. Did they give you an estimate when you dropped it off? I'm more surprised the RO doesn't have a longer explanation for line A.
How do they know it was a red mouse that chewed the wires? Unless said mouse body was found after chewing on a hot wire? 
Materials for repair order are listed as $25? What materials if they didn’t do anything?
M2Pilot said:
I just heard today that one of the Japanese carmakers's wiring is so tasty to rodents that the manufacturer is now selling a rodent resistant or repellant tape to wrap wires in.
My brother in law used to be a mechanic at an Acura dealership and rodents chewing on wires was common because the rodents like the taste of the soy based insulation that covers the wires. The replacement wiring harnesses often came with a "soy free" label on them, to prevent future incidents.
5/21/18 7:23 p.m.
But hey. At least you got a car wash.
I didn't think labor was sales taxed.
I'm not happy with my toyota dealership. Are they turning into GM from the 80's or is it me?
Did they write down the vin from you car and then give you an estimate for the 30k maintenance that included an automatic transmission filter and fluids, despite the obvious manual transmission? Or adjust the labor cost of the spark plug change portion of the same maintenance for a manual transmission model so that it came out the same price overall despite $40 less in parts? Ah, the Toyota dealership experience.
5/21/18 9:41 p.m.
Fueled by Caffeine said:
I'm not happy with my toyota dealership. Are they turning into GM from the 80's or is it me?
Tom suddard seems to agree
5/21/18 10:34 p.m.
I just want to know what the problem is. Repair shop antics are old news to me. I recently had to do the first noteworthy repair to our '07 at 268k. The electric coolant pump for the inverter system failed. $54 Amazon Prime.
I had bought a dash cam about a month ago. BlueSkySea $50.
I went last night to the car and pulled the SIM card. It took forever to review footage and I only get footage if the car is running (ignition on). I do however have these two which point to the tech stating a stuck throttle body but rather than fix or present this as the reason for code, they just clear the code and send me on my way.
Video #1 picks up conversation at 41 second point and that conversation continues on Video #2.
In reply to John Welsh :
since you were recording inside a private establishment.. It's interesting to me to see if this would stand in court...
Not trying to take to court. Not try to be adversarial. Just trying to continue to make the car run reliable.
I had to have the car towed in to the shop due to the fact the gas engine would not run. That gas engine does now run but with a CEL on.
However, curious question... Was I recording inside a private building or was I recording inside my vehicle (my private domain)?
5/22/18 8:34 a.m.
Fueled by Caffeine said:
In reply to John Welsh :
since you were recording inside a private establishment.. It's interesting to me to see if this would stand in court...
I don't think that matters. I think you take it to the manager, ask for them to correct the charge and the service provided, and take it elsewhere.
5/22/18 8:35 a.m.
John Welsh said:
Not trying to take to court. Not try to be adversarial. Just trying to continue to make the car run reliable.
I had to have the car towed in to the shop due to the fact the gas engine would not run. That gas engine does now run but with a CEL on.
However, curious question... Was I recording inside a private building or was I recording inside my vehicle (my private domain)?
I think you're in a private building. I remember a dealership suing someone who posted a video to youtube of something similar.
5/22/18 8:39 a.m.
I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter since you're recording a conversation with knowledge of at least one party (or in some states without knowledge of all parties). That's pretty much not allowed, court or not.
Surely rodents are a justification for the legality of assault rifles?