So, I managed to spend about 4-4.5 hours in the garage today. That included sweeping out some leaves, rearranging a bit, doing a "quick wash in the rain" of sleepywife's high school graduation present, and then got the Sonata into the garage and lifted up the front end.
Looks like I have some work cut out for me. It's clear the front bushing on the front lower a-arms are torn. I think I've got a torn outer CV boot on the driver's side, since there's grease flung allover the upright inline with a spot of grease on that boot. Backing down the driveway, I'm pretty sure the front shocks are shot.
Also, I think the transmission is flinging fluid around. The hyundai forums indicate there might be an internal seal to blame? One other option is someother o-ring or gasket, and or the drain plug. Looks like I need to jack the whole thing up a bit higher, yank out the intake, the lower tray, and maybe the battery... to poke around and see if I can find the source... or at least clean things up so I can find the leak after a week of driving.
I also fitted up the Kia Optima 18" I found by chance locally for $100... sorry $99. With the tpms sensors mounted. Although they had some "curb rash"

that's the worst one. At first I thought I'd lucked out, and they just had some kind of gum... or sticky substance on the outside. But picking at it with a flathead screwdriver had stuff flaking off... so then I was thinking it was Aluminum oxidization happening under the clearcoat. So, I took the palm sander and a 120grit pad onto it to see if I was in for recouping my purchase by selling off the TPMS sensors. About 3 minutes later, I had this:

looks like I'm going to be fine... although I'm going to get to spend some quality time with the hand sander and some earbuds, I think. These may end up looking a bit weird on the car... but I figured these tires had zero air in them, and didn't feel like dropping the car to see how they looked. Two pleasant findings... it's real easy to get lugs on these compared to the "deep pockets" on the OEM Sonata 5-spokes. And, these have a conical seat, and my 949 lug nuts were getting 10 turns of thread engagement.
edit: I was thinking that 10turns of engagement meant I had room for a spacer... but running the math again, it's only 2.25mm that's available. So, spacers would require lugs; unless I used adapters.
We've got some family stuff to do tomorrow, but I might try and get the car up again with all four wheels off. I figure I need to check the rear suspension, and then tear into the engine bay a bit to hunt down the where this fluid is coming from.