So someone emailed me about the Knock-Knock Joke Blazer's old engine that I've had up for sale for a while and is interested in trading a Snap-On 3/8" battery-powered impact for it. Though I already have a Bosch 1/2" rechargeable impact, assuming the trade one works I'm inclined to agree to the trade for the simple fact that I want the engine gone and off the cart and the impact will take up infinitely less space in the garage- but I don't know anything about whether the tool is actually worthwhile or useful. Anyone else have experience with them and input? Thanks!
well on ebay they go from $150 for a beat to crap one to $600 for a new one
I love my cordless impact. It's a porter cable. Snap on is bound to be much more better. Do it.
My 3/8 snap on cordless was a peice of E36 M3 and one of the reasons i no longer buy from them. Didnt hold a charge worth a damn and had less power then the 3/8s milwaukee that replaced it and my half inch drive snap on.
One of the worst tool purchases i ever made, didnt help that corparate offered half price tool trade in on it after 2 weeks. Between corparate and the local truck driver id buy stanley over snap on.
Only beef I have with Snap-On cordless tools is their batteries/chargers. Not up to the standards of the tool, IMO.
Milwaukee is my go to for cordless.
If it's a lithium ion battery, do it.. if not nope.