I'm cruising CraigsList for a set of snows for my '15 Accord. There are a few options listed that were on Civics, so the wheel size is right but the tires are smaller diameter than ideal. Either way I'm going -1 from a 17" to 16" wheel.
Ideal, according to Tire Rack is 205/65-16. I'm finding deals on 205/55-16. I'm fine with the narrower tire, but this is 6.1% difference in circumference. I'm fine with the speedo and odo being off, but is that too much change?
It won't really affect the car's operation, but the downside is that it will look really strange with the fender gap, and you're losing some ground clearance that can be nice to have in deep snow.
Look at the car and make sure they will fit around the calipers and such.
Yep, 16" wheels do work on this car. Just the tire size in question.
11/12/15 7:29 p.m.
I wouldn't. The normal recommendation is to stay within 3%.
You really want to go a little taller if you deviate from the stock diameter.
That sounds like the snow tires would actually have a shorter, squarer footprint than the tires you're taking off. Negative gain.
"Narrow" isn't as important as shape. Higher profile tires have longer, more rounded contact patches, which is what you want.