Have you ever had a race that was snowed out?
I had never even looked in to snow tires for my race car but maybe I should have.
Here in the north west we have had a hard winter and most of us said it was over but this weekend was the six hour enduro at Pacific Raceways near Kent Wa. and winter showed us it was not done yet!
The start was fine a littel wet but ok.

then the snow came. every one came in for the red flag.

we sat and the snow piled up.

we had time so we biuld a Rabbit out of spare stuff.

in the end we ran just less than two hours and the race was stopped and we all went home with a snow day story.
Pansies! We had snow at the Portland opener last weekend and we raced through it! 
I hear you though man, the weather up here as SUCKED this winter. Today we had sun, 50* temps, sleet, hail, ice, freezing rain, rain, snow, and sometimes at least three of the above simultaneously! Getting any outside work done is an exercise in futility.
P71 wrote:
I hear you though man, the weather up here as SUCKED this winter. Today we had sun, 50* temps, sleet, hail, ice, freezing rain, rain, snow, and sometimes at least three of the above simultaneously! Getting any outside work done is an exercise in futility.
QFT. It's been like that all winter here in New England, minus the sun and 50* temps until recently. I finally got my brake master cylinder today and, lo and behold, it snows -again- burying my RX-7 and my driveway -again. It's enough to make me wanna cry. 
well we would have kept racing but the worker could not see to flag they said. Our car like crap wether we could have won the dam thing.
3/9/09 10:30 p.m.
Yeah, maybe Bruton doesn't like SoFala, but I do.