Yes, I know the $2015 Challenge just ended....
Maybe I missed something, but at the $2014 Challenge Town Hall Meeting, it was mentioned that the Challenge would be moving to Memphis for $2016. Is that still happening, or is Gainesville going to still host it for $2016? Too soon to even think about $2016?
Also, I like the return of the $1000-under class. Please keep that around. I have just the car for that!
Hey, that would save me a good 9 hours of driving. (34 vs 43 )
So the wife and I have been contemplating moving from FL back to TN. I would love to have the challenge follow me up there. Maybe I'll actually attend... ahaha, who am I kidding? I said the same thing when I move to FL 3 years ago.
I've been wanting to ask about this for a few months now. Moving to a slightly more central location would really make it easier on us west coast dorks.
As it stands now, with the Challenge in Gainesville, I will probably never be able to attend. At least not with a prepared car.
Holly cow, really?!?!? If this happens I won't have an excuse, well not a good one, for not being there.
10/27/15 3:26 p.m.
planning on a return wherever - but TN would cut the distance in half.
There was talk of a move to summit Point. After further exploration, it was revealed to be a Bad Idea® for numerous reasons,and the decision was made to continue on with Gainesville for the foreseeable future.
and the East Coast parade rolls along.....
Oh well, its not as if I'd have made it either way, thanks for providing the live feeds for those of us losers stuck on the Left Coast.
Fly and drive is great and all, but I'd rather build a car, but the logistics of your location makes it extremely difficult for many of the people you're marketing the event and your magazine to.
Ok, totally cool with keeping it at Gainesville. It's not like any other Best Western hotels are going to run multiple extension cords for grinders, welders, etc. as soon as we roll up!
I like the time of year the event is and look forward to going to Florida every year. Except my friends think I'm going to the beach.
In reply to Stefan (Not Bruce):
IIRC, last time there was a west coast challenge, one car showed up.
In reply to alfadriver:
That was also when the economy blew up and many on the West Coast were out of work, including me. So it was keeping a roof over our heads or driving a beater to San Diego for an event. Guess which I chose.
It was also not run by GRM and was a complete E36 M3-show and is why GRM has never returned to the West Coast to put on an event let alone allow another group run an event for them.
I know the history, doesn't mean I have to be happy about it. I also wasn't advocating a West Coast Challenge (as nice as that would be), but perhaps one in Vegas perhaps? Or something fairly central to the country?
A tie-in to SEMA could be interesting, but it doesn't matter, no one cares since its "China Town Jack" and the rules are what they are. So I can either accept them and participate or not and sit back and watch others do so.
In reply to Stefan (Not Bruce):
And all that time, the Challenge was reasonably well attended in Florida.
Being the nature of the challenge, I can't really accept the excuse of "the economy"- this is "because economy" racing.
Well at least I should have the longest drive award in the bag.
Nobody from Alaska drive to the challenge, OK?
alfadriver wrote:
In reply to Stefan (Not Bruce):
And all that time, the Challenge was reasonably well attended in Florida.
Being the nature of the challenge, I can't really accept the excuse of "the economy"- this is "because economy" racing.
I believe in my previous reply, I stated rather clearly that it was their event and their rules so I can CHOOSE to participate or not which means getting my, apparently, lazy ass to Florida and back.
It doesn't mean that I can't add my $0.02 to ask for an event slightly closer to the other half of the berkeleying continent. They don't have to do anything about that request.
Every time a discussion comes up about a West Coast Challenge, I always wonder why someone doesn't decide to just put on their own event, if there is so much demand. Why wait/hope for GRM to stage it? Find a venue, rent it, advertise it, get people to attend and have a ball. GRM holds no exclusive on the notion of a budget buy-build-race event. I doubt the folks who started Chump Car consulted the 24 hours of Lemons folks on how to stage crap can racing.
And, who knows. Build the event big enough and maybe GRM will eventually ask you if they can attend your event!
10/27/15 5:21 p.m.
Damn, if it does move it picked a bad time. I'm 3 hrs from Memphis but won't be by the time $2016 gets here I'll be a west coaster. Would have been fun considering I've already got a challenge legal car
All the left coast needs is you, go ahead and be the guy.
BTW, I started going in 2009 and haven't missed one yet.
dyintorace wrote:
Every time a discussion comes up about a West Coast Challenge, I always wonder why someone doesn't decide to just put on their own event, if there is so much demand. Why wait/hope for GRM to stage it? Find a venue, rent it, advertise it, get people to attend and have a ball. GRM holds no exclusive on the notion of a budget buy-build-race event. I doubt the folks who started Chump Car consulted the 24 hours of Lemons folks on how to stage crap can racing.
And, who knows. Build the event big enough and maybe GRM will eventually ask you if they can attend your event!
Because wanting to participate in a budget challenge event and organizing/running one are completely different animals.
What West Coast event was held in San Diego? The Grand Challenge? Because that had a lot more than 1 entry. I personally know at least three vehicles/teams that participated in that event. Most of those vehicles are still running in SD SCCA autox now too.
The Hoff wrote:
dyintorace wrote:
Every time a discussion comes up about a West Coast Challenge, I always wonder why someone doesn't decide to just put on their own event, if there is so much demand. Why wait/hope for GRM to stage it? Find a venue, rent it, advertise it, get people to attend and have a ball. GRM holds no exclusive on the notion of a budget buy-build-race event. I doubt the folks who started Chump Car consulted the 24 hours of Lemons folks on how to stage crap can racing.
And, who knows. Build the event big enough and maybe GRM will eventually ask you if they can attend your event!
Because wanting to participate in a budget challenge event and organizing/running one are completely different animals.
Exactly. It's a real bummer showing up to a party a little late to find somebody has already shat in the punchbowl, if you know what I mean. I totally understand that there will never be another West Coast Challenge. The logistics of planning an event like that so far away from home would be a nightmare. Shipping the entire editorial staff across the country isn't going to make that any easier or cheaper. I do love the "we tried that once, it didn't work" defense, though. I'm sure a lot of great people/businesses/events say "Never again!" after failing once.
Like clockwork, one week after the Challenge a West Coast Challenge Pleeeeeze thread will pop up. If one of you West Coast guys are serious about starting a Not-GRM Challenge over here, let me know. I will gladly donate whatever free time and resources I can muster to the cause. I think 5 or 6 of my non-GRM friends would want to build a car, too FWIW.
IF I were to plan a West Coast Challenge, I think Pat's Acres for the AutoX then a short, 18 minute drive down to Woodburn Dragstrip would beat out PIR for me for no reason other than a narrow road course appeals to me much more than chasing cones. Plus, they let the Mad Tyte Dorifto kids run at their complex, so what's a couple of low-buck racers to them?
(Yes, I know PARC is very narrow, but IF I were to build a challenge car it would look something like a X1/9 with a Saab turbo swap, so narrow is A-OK)
You know, if we moved the Challenge, we likely wouldn't have our entire crew there--and then it wouldn't really feel like a Challenge.
For a west coast Challenge (or anywhere for that matter) all you need are judges. From there you find a town or area with a test and tune drag night on Friday and an autox on Sunday. Maybe do the judges on Saturday. Add the results and hand out trophies.
In reply to Burrito:
I like it. I may reach out to them to see what it would take to rent the place.
Plan B: Piggyback on other events: PIR late night drags, coupled with a PCA or SCCA auto-x in the parking lot on Saturday.