So I am considering trading in my MK3 MR2 for an RX8 with the intention of dropping some V8 Chevy goodness into it. I know that Hinson Supercars is finishing up a kit (pricey but complete) to do just this. I really want a light weight car that handles well and is actually fast but would prefer 4 seats and at least mediocre MPGs. I am kind of drawing a blank on anything that is less than 20K and there really isn't that much over 20K either. If Hinson's other stuff is anything to go by this should be a pretty good kit to make an RX8 compete like it should. Most likely I would be driving the stock RX8 for over a year before doing the swap. Am I nuts?
I don't think you're crazy for it.
Although getting rid of an MR-S isn't something i would personally do.
You're welcome.
On topic, if the GTO isn't light enough (I can see that), an LS-8 sounds like an absolute blast! I feel like there has to be some sort of lightweight V8 4-seater we're missing though...
Sounds like a fantastic idea to me.
DO IT!!!!!! I would love to have a V8 RX8.
Plenty of 944 V8s already out there. 4 seats (the back two are, I know...). Has handling. Has decent mpgs. Porsche part$>Mazda Parts, that would be the biggest downside, IMO.
2/24/12 2:01 p.m.
There are better candidates for the swap. The money just doesn't add up, especially since Mazda has a pretty generous warranty on the engines.
It sounds perfectly logical to me.
This is a case of "If that is what you really want to do, who am I to try and stop you?"
I'd think an E39 M5 is a better starting point, though.
I'd say it depends on how cheaply you can find an RX8 for. A local RX8 with 60k miles sold for $4k, and I briefly considered it as a candidate for the swap.
I'd say that was a good candidate, and you'd be pretty hard pressed to find a clean 944 for that price around here.
Better power and much better fuel economy makes it a winner to me.
Unless you absolutely need four seats, IMHO, you would be better off just picking up a C5 'Vette.
However, I can see this being a worthwhile project if you can find a cheap enough RX8 shell. Like an earlier poster said, it's not very difficult to find 2004's with bad engines for around 4k.
At the end of the day, you can't go wrong with LS anything.
njansenv wrote:
I'd say it depends on how cheaply you can find an RX8 for. A local RX8 with 60k miles sold for $4k, and I briefly considered it as a candidate for the swap.
Holy E36 M3! Can I come live where you live? Or did it have a blown motor? (which would still be a pretty good deal if it were clean otherwise)
psteav wrote:
njansenv wrote:
I'd say it depends on how cheaply you can find an RX8 for. A local RX8 with 60k miles sold for $4k, and I briefly considered it as a candidate for the swap.
Holy E36 M3! Can I come live where you live? Or did it have a blown motor? (which would still be a pretty good deal if it were clean otherwise)
:) The car was clean, and all it needed was a clutch - ran and drove, but the clutch slipped. It sold VERY quickly, but I've seen a number of examples for under 6k. Gas is a lot of money here: ~$5.30/L for premium, which doesn't help their values. - $3800 with blown engine - $4500 with blown engine
EvanB wrote: - $3800 with blown engine
Damn. So close, yet so far for more money then I would care to spend.
2/24/12 4:44 p.m.

"...6-speed loaded up nice has it gets has motor trouble for more info call 606-225-1264..."
•Location: Olive Hill,Ky
I don't know... That level of gramatical prowess, that Kentuky Hills address and the picture of the habitat. Im thinking the car is bait. Best bring your own banjo.
So how much does it cost to rebuild a Renesis? Can it be done by the average shadetree mechanic?
I know naught of the magic spinning triangles...
2/24/12 6:28 p.m.
I've been dreaming of an ls rx8 for years. To me, it's the perfect car. How much is the Hinson super cars kit?
Depending on how much the conversion kit costs I would do this in a heartbeat.
A motor swap is going to have some serious issues to work through. I'm not saying it can't be done/shouldn't be done but a GTO would get you there with a lot less hassle. If this is going to be a track car then you don't have to worry about HVAC controls, adapting the gauges, or any of those other niggling details. You might not even have to worry about those issues if you're ok with aftermarket gauges, no AC, or cruise on a DD street car.
2/24/12 7:29 p.m.
Xceler8x wrote:
A motor swap is going to have some serious issues to work through. I'm not saying it can't be done/shouldn't be done but a GTO would get you there with a lot less hassle. If this is going to be a track car then you don't have to worry about HVAC controls, adapting the gauges, or any of those other niggling details. You might not even have to worry about those issues if you're ok with aftermarket gauges, no AC, or cruise on a DD street car.
I love the Goat. If the money was equal, I'd take a V8 RX7 - much more usable back seat, lighter, 'better' handling...
I don't know what the kit runs. The FD kit is just shy of 4k. That includes everything to make the car do everything. AC, cruise, etc... I believe. The mounts and long tube exhaust that connects to the stock exhaust is 2500. I know this is expensive but if I can get a kit that can make a DD worthy car for less than 5k then I am good to go. Then 10k for the motor swap, done by yours truely, and 8k for a decent running rx8. I can handle 18k for something that can easily take a car seat.