I came across a 2006 Armada with a stalling problem for $500. It was driving down the road and all of the sudden lost power. It wouldn't go above 5 mph and was towed to a shop that convinced the guy to give up on it because they would be just throwing parts at it. The owners have had it since new, and had this shop that maintained all their pest control trucks and heavy equipment.
I would love the 3 rows and ability to tow a house. The fuel economy doesn't scare me. Any thoughts on a path to follow to diagnose this thing to make sure I am not pursuing a black hole?
Take a code reader with you. There's a lot of possible reasons for it to stall.
Sounds like a typical Nissan maf to me.
9/26/19 10:49 a.m.
Being able to maintain 5mph after the engine stalls would make this thing pretty much priceless as the first known perpetual energy machine.
If it's not stalling i'd look for drive by wire issues.
Vigo said:
Being able to maintain 5mph after the engine stalls would make this thing pretty much priceless as the first known perpetual energy machine.
If it's not stalling i'd look for drive by wire issues.
It would still suck as daily transportation. 
Cars that stall after they warm up, I always look at the crankshaft position sensor first. It won't necessarily throw a code either.