I just agreed to place a downpayment on a 1994 Mazda Miata R.
In Utah.
I live in Columbus, Ohio.
Cockamamey scheme is to fly to Utah at the beginning of my summer shutdown, inspect the car and decide whether or not to purchase it. If I do, then I'll drive it from Salt Lake City to Blytheville, Arkansas for the ProSolo and Championships Tour, compete in it, then continue on to Columbus. I'm more than a little terrified. This is well out of my comfort zone.
Sounds like a perfectly reasonable thing to do.
6/5/13 8:24 p.m.
If you really wanted the sane and rational to talk you down, you wouldn't have posted it here.
We all hate you now, because we're jealous.
Do eeeeeet!
I'm not finding much fault in it, unless the car is suspect. But then again, you already plan on flying back if that is the case... Unless you want to surf CL for others to look at. 
I have always... (ok maybe not always..) I have wanted to do something like that for years. DO IT. Even if it turns out bad it will make for a great story later.
"Did I ever tell you about that time I flew out to SLC for a Miata?"
I drove halfway across the country and back in the middle of summer a week after i got my chevy van. I didnt know E36 M3 about cars then (10 yrs ago)
Stop worrying and go for it
Only one thing you left out.
Are you shipping your r-comps out there or checking them on the plane?
nervousdog wrote:
Only one thing you left out.
Are you shipping your r-comps out there or checking them on the plane?
Even better, seller is shipping his E Stock wheels and tires using funds from my $500 deposit. I have friends going to Blytheville who can stash some little Miata tires in their trailer. I figure, if the deal falls through, I have some Hoosiers and BBS wheels to sell to recoup a small amount of my costs. Or save for some other Miata.
This scheme is nearly Operation Overlord levels of coordination and planning.
noddaz wrote:
"Did I ever tell you about that time I flew out to SLC for a Miata?"
Honestly, this is part of what convinced me to go for it. I need to make some of my own stories. I'm a great story teller, but I've noticed too many of mine start with "My Dad...", "My Grandfather..." or "My friend..."
I think it is even more awesome that it is a Miata. Makes it even more ridiculous.
Do it!
A few years ago I flew to New Jersey to pick up a nice 318is. Then spent the next day and a half driving it back to Tulsa, OK.
It was a good time. Especially the party the guys at the shop threw for me the night I flew in.
LainfordExpress wrote:
I'm more than a little terrified. This is well out of my comfort zone.
Like any stupid thing beyond your comfort zone, once you've done it, you can say you did it and then never have to do it again. At the very least, you'll have an interesting experience. At the worst, you'll find it disturbingly fun and you'll want to do it again.
Not insane, just a bit unbalanced. Insane would be to substitute the miata for a Lotus, or any Italian car.
Speaking of Italian cars and insanity, didn't someone from this forum do a fly & drive for some mid-seventies FIAT or Lancia a few years ago?
BoxheadTim wrote:
Sounds like a perfectly reasonable thing to do.
I'd go so far as to say plain and boring... at least for myself anyways 
6/5/13 9:10 p.m.
Could be worse, I did a very similar trip (sans Solo) with a 35 year old Mercury Wagon, flew to OKC, and drove it back to NJ, no tools, no real prep, just hit the road and pray.
I wouldn't stress a trip like that in a Miata at all.
JThw8 wrote:
Could be worse, I did a very similar trip (sans Solo) with a 35 year old Mercury Wagon, flew to OKC, and drove it back to NJ, no tools, no real prep, just hit the road and pray.
I wouldn't stress a trip like that in a Miata at all.
Speaking of stuff to take... what should I take? Keep in mind, air travel. Would rather not have to check a bag. I think that is going to limit me pretty severely.
LainfordExpress wrote:
Speaking of stuff to take... what should I take? Keep in mind, air travel. Would rather not have to check a bag. I think that is going to limit me pretty severely.
Have you spent any time with a Miata trunk? I don't think carry-on is going to be your limitation. 
Sounds like a banner idea. I have had a few crazy "fetch that car" stories and they were all excellent adventures. I say Do it.
petegossett wrote:
Have you spent any time with a Miata trunk? I don't think carry-on is going to be your limitation.
I test drove an uber-rare '92 Sunburst Yellow two weeks ago, and a '99 Sport last weekend. So... maybe 30 minutes total.
It was enough.
New Reader
6/5/13 9:52 p.m.
LainfordExpress wrote:
JThw8 wrote:
Could be worse, I did a very similar trip (sans Solo) with a 35 year old Mercury Wagon, flew to OKC, and drove it back to NJ, no tools, no real prep, just hit the road and pray.
I wouldn't stress a trip like that in a Miata at all.
Speaking of stuff to take... what should I take? Keep in mind, air travel. Would rather not have to check a bag. I think that is going to limit me pretty severely.
Just bring your 10mm wrench and you'll be fine.
6/5/13 9:54 p.m.
Are you single? If so, do it and don't look back. Have fun!
I find plenty of room in the trunk and behind the passenger seat, or using the passenger seat for extra stuff ;p
Miatas are pretty reliable, bring some oil and a set of spark plug wires or pick some up when you land
Ive flown out and drove back a few times (while living in Columbus oddly enough) and am getting ready to do it again tomorrow. My advice-
You can check a bag with tools in it, and I have done that, but I have also just bought a basic set once there. 20 bucks will get you a small socket set and wrenches at a Harbor Freight or Walmart type place. Baggage fees are 25 bucks and you have to worry about your stuff coming up missing.
Put together all addesses you may need on one sheet. The seller, BMV, hotel, a couple parts stores, place to get tools, stuff like that. I started doing that before smart phones and I still find it handy.
Pack light but bring one shirt you can lay in the dirt along a Kansas highway in.
Bring a significant other or friend if possible. Way more fun than doing it alone.
HappyAndy wrote:
Speaking of Italian cars and insanity, didn't someone from this forum do a fly & drive for some mid-seventies FIAT or Lancia a few years ago?
Somehow I remember that, also...
Obviously wasn't Italian, but didn't Tim go out to CA and drive an old Falcon wagon home or something?
6/6/13 5:54 a.m.
Having flown to California and driven back to NJ in a Honda S600, this sounds like a completely reasonable plan to me. Have fun!!
Don't wait to buy a car here in Ohio, unless it's newer or....unless you like rust. I just bought a truck from a couple that just moved here from Texas. Thank you Texas!