and parked across the street was a really clean beige TVR 280i in the driveway. Nobody was home where the car was parked, but never in my wildest dreams would I expect to see a TVR in a seniors only trailer park. Almost as cool as the time I was working way out on Cape Cod, and came across a 1970 Marcos parked on the side of the road. There was nothing else around but empty sand dunes.
Are you sure someone wasn't visiting "Grandpa and Grandma"?
I think one of the strangest sights I ever saw was the elderly couple who drove to my church every sunday (when I lived in Ca.) in a Plum Crazy 383 Barracuda.
My mother's sister ALWAYS drove Mustangs until she reached her late '70s, then she switched to a Buick Regal...a SUPERCHARGED GS. She all but challenged cops who stopped her from writing tickets on a "little old lady".
a retirement trailer park is a LOT different from your typical trailer trash enviroment
Yea, tell me about it. The new trailer I was hooking up to water, sewer, and gas was sitting on a brand new cement pad. Did all of my work on a mechanics creeper instead of crawling in the dirt. When I was done, the owner sealed up the underside with cement panels instead of those flimsy aluminum things. I have 14 more units to do at the park, so I'm sure to get a chance to talk to the TVR's owner. I've had two 280is in the past, and would love to have another one some day. Out of all the cars I've had, that was the only one the wife liked to drive. She hates the TR8s. Too loud. Too bumpy. Convertibles are too windy. Yea Yea Yea- that's why I have three of them baby. Now go drive your Mazda.
I once drove through a really E36 M3ty trailer park out in the middle of nowhere, and sitting next to one of the trailers was a Grand National and a 928 that looked like they hadn't moved a few years. It was depressing.
The cars at the messican parks around here are generally nicer than anything I'll ever own.
There was a really crappy trailer park in Columbia with three E type Jags sitting next to one of the trailers; a Series II, a Series III and a 2+2. All covered with ratty old tarps.
Not a trailer park, but where my in-laws live near Tampa, within average home price of 50,000, a neighbour has a 914 and a 308. maybe not the most expensive examples of the brands, but still pretty nice to see. Good amount of sixties and seventies American iron convertibles.
Hey, there are a lot of swingers in retirement parks. The owner probably has a nice selection of gold chains too.
Hey, I'm in the TVRCCNA, and can tell you that there are a lot of old farts that own 280i's!