So, just what is the ratio anyway of people that look at builds here and then spend time searching out that type of car... 90%? 95%?
I know I do it...
So, just what is the ratio anyway of people that look at builds here and then spend time searching out that type of car... 90%? 95%?
I know I do it...
I'm not that easily swayed.. I own and drive what I like and do what I want to them.. I might use ideas or approach something differently based on what I see online or in magazines, but I've never felt the need to copy anything that anyone else has done since I started really dabbling in cars when i was 14 sometime in 1988..
I have my own pretty firm set of unattainable project goals. I'm not usually swayed by you nutjobs
But if one of you starts posting about 800hp diesel swaps, road legal AWD race cars, or speed boats, I'm easily swayed.
Rarely does a build inspire me to do the same - I have my own predilictions and hot buttons. I'll certainly look at what's being done and remember good solutions, though.
Honestly, I use the build threads here more for random knowledge to help people in the future. Although sometimes I see ways of doing things that apply to my build, like Woody and the skid plates.
It's surprised me though, in the last month, my phone has rang a few times asking for help with something frustrating and I've been able to step them through it because I happened to read a similar issue here. Things I have no personal experience with beforehand.
I admit though, I'll be stealing a lot of Mazdeuces ideas from the Grosh thread as I update and work on my carport and garage, but I think it's more that I've never had such a step by step guide for things I've wanted to do before that thread.
Me neither. I have wanted a rally car in the worst way for a while, so the threads I do follow a lot are irish44j and whatever symbol Nonack is using these days ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I like to look through what everyone here has done then go get something different I can share. That's how I ended up with a rotary powered station wagon.
The stuff that gets built here tends to be incredibly interesting, but not often do I think "I want to more or less clone that".
Cars? ... seldomly do I see a build thread and research one. Some of the stuff you guys link to that is for sale, that's another matter(awd Isuzu Impulse turbo, for example). And the engines and transmissions, absolutely ( Isuzu 3.2/ 3.5 V6, Mazda 12 valve turbo 4 cyl-sorry, I can't remember the code for either off the top of my head. Better go research).
I get a lot of ideas from build threads but the only car that even got me thinking about shopping (I won't count Tim's Elan because I'm always looking for one of those) was Hungary Bill's Alfa. But even then, I didn't pursue it.
I did, however, buy a Harley Sportster after seeing a photo of the dual sport Sporty that someone posted here. I fully expected to build my own version but I liked the bike that I bought too much in stock form. At least for a little while. The reality was that the bike was too pretty and too heavy for the dirt.
wheelsmithy wrote: Cars? ... seldomly do I see a build thread and research one. Some of the stuff you guys link to that is for sale, that's another matter(awd Isuzu Impulse turbo, for example). And the engines and transmissions, absolutely ( Isuzu 3.2/ 3.5 V6, Mazda 12 valve turbo 4 cyl-sorry, I can't remember the code for either off the top of my head. Better go research).
Idk the isuzu, but the mazda motor you want is the f2t
mndsm wrote: <blockquote
Idk the isuzu, but the mazda motor you want is the f2t
You, Sir, are correct, and the Isuzu is the 6VD1 ( really, Isuzu, VD?)
I was unaware of many cool cars out there, or call me easily influenced.
I was looking for an E34 wagon and ended up buying an RA29 Celica from a GRM'er.
I never knew how cool and easily wrenchable Saturn SL's were, ended up buying one for a commuter after seeing the love for them on here.
Had no idea what an MX-6 GT was, and now I have one as a s&giggles project car.
Wasn't a project build on here, but, since everybody has one, I started looking at Miata's, and wound up getting one.
Bunch of Kool-Aid pushers....
noddaz wrote: So, just what is the ratio anyway of people that look at builds here and then spend time searching out that type of car... 90%? 95%?I know I do it...
Seldom does anyone else's crazy jibe with my flavor of crazy.
Now, if you were to ask if I have cribbed lessons from other peoples project playbooks, I will plead guilty as charged.
I recently started researching MKI Capris because of this forum. So yeah, put me in the 90/95 percentile
I think i fit here because of how weird i already was, not because it made me any weirder.
I have too many cars that were my own bad ideas to pick up any new bad ideas from the rest of ye.
I DO take 'tech tips' anywhere and everywhere i can get them, though.
some of the builds here help to germinate ideas.... some are like broken clocks... (right twice a day....)
I admit I misclicked on this thread looking for another thread...
But I always like to see what other people think. I typically stay with what I like: pickups, turbos/boost, and drag racing. But I did make a list at one point of what I wanted to build with no specific brand loyalty, before I'm forever burnt....
I'm fully blaming G body man and picaso for my recent desire to buy a panther.
G body because his looks like a hell of a deal, and Nick (picaso) because of that lifted P71 he put in the hotlink thread.
And kicking myself for not buying my grandfathers crown vic when he sold it to a local cab company. 2003 with 40k on the clock for 3500... Stupid Stupid Stupid Rev.
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