The sister of a coworker was on her way to a baby shower in a part of town shes never been to before. Shes using a Garmin or whatever to navigate there. Apparently, the party is in a new neighborhood, the kind that still doesnt have all its roads installed yet. I guess this girl is the kind of tard who views the operation of an automobile and the utilization of common sense as mutually exclusive, because when the thing told her to turn left, she did so...blindly. The road to the left was not yet was about 10 yards of pavement that ended in a 4' high pile of egg sized gravel before becoming just another unused old cornfield in rural SW Ohio. Her Elantra ended up High centered on said gravel pile. Thing is, she was only going about 15mph around that corner, how does one get on the top of a pile of gravel of that size? She confessed to "flooring it so I could get over that pile of rocks" while pointing at the carnage.

Seriously...what the berk?!? Teenage girls and cars scare me to death when theyre combined in the presence of combustible fluids and public thoroughfares.
In other news, who knew 2011 Elantras had that kind of climbing capability?
Pics? The insurance company or the tow truck operator may have taken some...
IIRC, wasn't there a whole series of ads featuring an idiot following the GPS to a "T" and going off a cliff?
Indeed, life imitates art. Perhaps death will follow suit.
Selling GPS units for a living, I have to tell people that they still need to use common sense. the most comon response is "Why, I'll have a GPS, it will tell me what to do."
1/13/14 12:15 p.m.
ebonyandivory wrote:
Pics? The insurance company or the tow truck operator may have taken some...
IIRC, wasn't there a whole series of ads featuring an idiot following the GPS to a "T" and going off a cliff?
Indeed, life imitates art. Perhaps death will follow suit.
Toshiba laptop commercial
A local XChristmas oriented amuzement place around the corner from me has a big sign on an adjacent street that states "your GPS is wrong, Edaville Rairoad is the next right" Before the sign, people would drive right out into a cranberry bog.
New Reader
1/13/14 1:52 p.m.
I got a call from my college age daughter a year or so ago while she was home from school and was driving to a friend's house. "Daddy, the GPS is lost." "Yeah, that happens sometimes. Where are you?" "I don't know, the GPS is lost." Did you print out a Google map before you left like I always tell you to do?" "No, I have the GPS."

'Remember when people tell to "look ahead" and "look into the corner", this is why.
Truth be told, this girl also got her car onto the deck on the back of her house before. The driveway does not go around back. Theres 2 steps to get up onto the deck from the lawn back there. Apparently, she received a funny text while getting ready to back out of the driveway. She said it made her laugh uncontrollably. Somehow, in the midst of her spastic laughter, she dumped it into drive and stood on the gas, launching her onto the back deck from the driveway.
The good news is that her father overengineered the back deck to the point that a small sedan can LAND on it and not really damage it. Way to go dad!
In reply to tr8todd:
Been there, seen that! Very funny too! (There's quite a few southeastern Mass folk here!)
That girl should not be allowed to operate a motor vehicle ever again.
She probably makes a great sammich though.
I'm not sure she could find the refrigerator, much less figure out how to make a sandwich.
having just driven from Florida to NJ with a tomtom.. I had great fun ignoring it's directions when I clearly wanted to stay on route 17. I really think those things need an option to "follow Route X"
Can she find home from first base?
Awwwwwww yeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!
1/13/14 8:02 p.m.
Sounds like something SWMBO might do. Im afraid to get her a GPS for this very reason.
Love the girl, but the brightest tool in the yard, she is not.
In reply to beans:
How about the sharpest crayon in the shed?
EXCLUSIVE! In car footage!

I thought this only happened on TV. 
I know a girl like this. Destroys every car she owns. Ended up in the hospital. Twice.
Dad buys her a race car, so she could take her aggressions out on the track not the streets. A 1994 Civic hatch for the entry level Hornet class at the local dirt. She putts around at safety car pace all race, every race, for a whole season.
I asked her if there was anything wrong. Her answer astounded me, "If I crash on the race track, everyone will see it and laugh at me."
I guess we should just ridicule whoever drives like a Shiny Happy Person to the point that they are afraid of doing anything that could even remotely be considered a dumb move.
my only real experience with a GPS was interesting... we had a Tom Tom that wanted me to get lost in Memphis, TN when we were trying to find Sun Studios and Graceland by telling me to turn a block late and not telling me the name of the next street to turn on, but the very next day it took us thru the spaghetti like layers of roads in Dallas, TX like nothing when we were going to Dealey Plaza..
1/14/14 7:02 a.m.
My GPS still has 2008 maps on it. Sometimes when I'm going through the re-done section in Dayton and "she's" yelling "Recalculating" over and over I think about driving into the river to silence her.
I tried the GPS on my iPhone when I went to Myrtle Beach. We saw a sign for a train store off 95 and looked it up on the phone. The directions put us onto a dirt power company right of way and into a swamp