It's a used Challenger lift, 220v motor, front arms are 3 piece so you can go anywhere 30/70 to 50/50 front/back. Made in USA.
I may have slightly overpaid (for the lift itself) but in the long run I'm not too worried. $1500 lift, $60 new saftey release cable and bolts, $700 pick it up/move/install, $100 tip (obviously I didn't have to tip but the guys who installed it put up with a lot of the seller's crap - the lift was buried in the corner of a hangar surrounded by tons of junk). Total $2360. Not too shabby!
I was very impressed with the guys who came to move the lift. They had sweet techniques like using pipe and thin metal dowels to roll the posts around. The install money was money well spent.
8/23/18 4:53 p.m.
Nice, tell me more about the X-19
Toebra said:
Nice, tell me more about the X-19
Hehehe. That is a Missouri 'field find'. It had been sitting in a field for who knows how long. PO got it in a land deal, and didn't know the person who raced it. But someone converted it into a dirt track race car, possibly in the 70s-80s (fuel cell had a manufacture date stamped on it of 1978). The builder did some cool stuff and some janky stuff, but the cool stuff includes front and rear sway bars and fiberglass hood doors and trunk lid. It was converted to center seat and steering, but not well.
I bought it for $250 and am slowly but surely restoring it into a challenge car. You can see if you zoom in on the photo there is a gsxr 1000 motor sitting behind the cockpit.
I have a build thread here: https://grassrootsmotorsports.com/forum/build-projects-and-project-cars/fiat-x19-bike-engine-challenge-build/122836/page1/
I feel like if I had the space for a lift, I wouldn't mind nearly as much working on my own stuff anymore.
Best tool purchase ever. If you are comparing your out-the-door price to the Chinese stuff, I would agree it is a bit high. Compared to name brand stuff though, you did ok.
I gave $1k for my slightly used Atlas drive-on, and $500 for delivery and installation.

Someday I will join this gang.
Lifts are cool! Just bought a used Challenger 4 post so I need to build a bigger shop now!
I love having a lift so much, even if it is a baby lift. Life changing tool.
Why did you tell us all about it? Now get ready for all of the, “Hey, can I use your lift?” requests!
Nice garage. Love the high bay lighting and exposed LVL beam...classy.
now, if anyone knows where to get a good deal on a bridge jack for a 4 post...
Lugnut said:
Why did you tell us all about it? Now get ready for all of the, “Hey, can I use your lift?” requests!
You come use lift, I stand there and drink your beer, win win.
Tyler H said:
Nice garage. Love the high bay lighting and exposed LVL beam...classy.
We were working with a max outside building height requirement of 15 feet or less, so we had to do some slightly funky stuff. Beam is about 3 feet from the front of the lift posts but still 10 ft hight at the bottom.
I'm already working on getting a sticker right next to the lift up button that says "HOOD!!!" (hopefully reminding me to lower any hoods before I run a car all the way up).
Whats the overall height on that lift?
93gsxturbo said:
Whats the overall height on that lift?
12 ft is where the overhead beam on the lift is. I need to bend a piece of conduit for the safety shutoff bar (you can see the end of the pipe hanging down in the upper left corner).
My LVL beam is at 12ft at the top and 10ft at the bottom.
Lifts rock. Congrats!
They're also a whooooole lot easier to put up if you buy them used.
In reply to Keith Tanner :
That is useful information. Since they aren't complicated (relatively), finding a decent used one shouldn't be that hard.
In reply to Robbie :
This is more motivation to actually get my max jax mounted. Just need to get the Galaxie out of the way. I am making progress at least!
Use of a lift is one if the biggest perks of my job, I would love to have one at home someday
Job #1 on lift, change oil. What a difference. Also, here is a photo for different perspective. Admittedly this makes it look like the lift is closer to the beam than it is. It is 3 ft away.
That is full height, I can walk underneath without ducking.

Very cool. For me, it's not the price of the lift that's holding me up but the cost of putting concrete in the barn. Ouch!