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wbjones PowerDork
9/26/13 4:18 p.m.
kb58 wrote: Here's one of my "favorite" that drives me nuts... Driving along a double lane (two in each direction) and clearly visible ahead is construction, complete with the "Lane blocked, move right" light. So you, who are paying attention and looking ahead, move right. That means that all the clueless people continue in the left lane until the last possible second where they act all surprised, then cut in front of you. And, if you don't let them in (punishment for not paying attention) you're the bad driver... grrr. Clueless drivers rate right up there along aggressive drivers for ticking people off.

maybe a lot of that has to do with where you're from ...

a GF (female friend) at work who was raised in Brooklyn, lived for 20 yrs in FL, then moved to NC ...

as far as she was concerned staying in your lane and merging at the last possible moment was the normal way to do things ... she couldn't understand a: why people wouldn't let her in,


b: why I would go ahead and merge early ...

she really didn't understand ... nice, considerate person ... just brought up a different way

wbjones PowerDork
9/26/13 4:26 p.m.
Basil Exposition wrote:
kb58 wrote: Ooo, ooo, another "favorite." What the hell is wrong with people who pull onto the freeway and immediately move into the left lanes? It's as if they think that because they're inherently superior drivers, of course they'll be passing everyone... and then proceed to drive at about 60 mph, 15 mph under the practical average. So now they're a rock in the river, with everyone cutting left and right to get around them. But hey, they're superior drivers... ugh.
Reminds me of a time that the local MG club and Thunderbird club got together for an event. We met at a place near the Galleria area and were to motor north together to go to a park. The guy who organized it had a MGTC and was in charge of leading us to the park. So we all line up to get on the 610 Loop North, which has some of the heaviest traffic in the USA. Seriously. This bright light (getting dimmed through age) gets on the highway and immediately crosses all six lanes to go to the far left lane with 30, mostly elderly, drivers in various antique cars following him bumper-to-bumper. This snake of old metal and people ends up in the left hand lane going 45. The cacophony of tire squealing and horn honking that accompanied this manuever was blood-curdling. It is only a miracle that there was no bent sheet metal or injuries. When later asked why he made this brilliant move, the TC owner responded that he had fought in WWII and had a right to any public real estate, including the left hand lane of the freeway. So maybe maturity isn't the answer....

I had a shiny happy person speed past me and cut in front just so he could be the first at a T intersection ....

I followed him (fairly closely) all the way to where he got in the left turn lane ... pulled up beside him and motioned to him that I thought he was # 1 ..... childish on my part ....

in a rage he grabbed his Viet Nam Veterans hat and waved it at me ... he had his window down just enough that he could hear me ....

I told him that A: I also was a VV Vet ... and that fact didn't give him, or me, or anyone else to the right to act like a shiny happy person on the highway ..

he just sat there and stared at me ...didn't say another word .... doubt that I made any difference in his future behavior

amg_rx7 Dork
9/26/13 5:46 p.m.
Basil Exposition wrote:
kb58 wrote: Ooo, ooo, another "favorite." What the hell is wrong with people who pull onto the freeway and immediately move into the left lanes? It's as if they think that because they're inherently superior drivers, of course they'll be passing everyone... and then proceed to drive at about 60 mph, 15 mph under the practical average. So now they're a rock in the river, with everyone cutting left and right to get around them. But hey, they're superior drivers... ugh.
Reminds me of a time that the local MG club and Thunderbird club got together for an event. We met at a place near the Galleria area and were to motor north together to go to a park. The guy who organized it had a MGTC and was in charge of leading us to the park. So we all line up to get on the 610 Loop North, which has some of the heaviest traffic in the USA. Seriously. This bright light (getting dimmed through age) gets on the highway and immediately crosses all six lanes to go to the far left lane with 30, mostly elderly, drivers in various antique cars following him bumper-to-bumper. This snake of old metal and people ends up in the left hand lane going 45. The cacophony of tire squealing and horn honking that accompanied this manuever was blood-curdling. It is only a miracle that there was no bent sheet metal or injuries. When later asked why he made this brilliant move, the TC owner responded that he had fought in WWII and had a right to any public real estate, including the left hand lane of the freeway. So maybe maturity isn't the answer....

Maturity does not always accompany Age.

Crankiness and senility usually does though.

plance1 Dork
9/26/13 8:42 p.m.
Swank Force One wrote:
kb58 wrote: Here's one of my "favorite" that drives me nuts... Driving along a double lane (two in each direction) and clearly visible ahead is construction, complete with the "Lane blocked, move right" light. So you, who are paying attention and looking ahead, move right. That means that all the clueless people continue in the left lane until the last possible second where they act all surprised, then cut in front of you. And, if you don't let them in (punishment for not paying attention) you're the bad driver... grrr. Clueless drivers rate right up there along aggressive drivers for ticking people off.
Actually..... (And this comes up every time someone rants about this) That's called a "Zipper merge." And it's actually fastest if everyone waited until the end. Themoreyouknow.jpg

Im down with the zipper merge. I'm an aggressive driver but I let the person over in this case every time. If I see in my rearview mirror that the douchbag behind me tightens up to be rude and avoid letting anyone get 5 feet in front of him, then I let EVERYONE in...

stuart in mn
stuart in mn PowerDork
9/26/13 10:06 p.m.

Minnesota has been promoting the zipper merge for a couple years now, with minor success, but the trouble is either way you'll never get 100% of drivers to use the same method.

Nashco UberDork
9/27/13 1:18 a.m.
bgkast wrote:
Nashco wrote:
Price? Range? Handling?

Funny you should ask. I JUST put it up for sale (because I'm upgrading).



kanaric Reader
9/27/13 2:23 a.m.

i would of just yelled "you drive like a faggot" back at him. That really pisses pieces of E36 M3 like that off. He might even of got out of his car with his arms out bro stance

So tired of douche bag drivers. They are all over in Vegas. Driving on 95 at 12AM VW golfs with their 10k HIDs tailgating you completing blinding you, berkeley those people.

wbjones PowerDork
9/27/13 6:33 a.m.
plance1 wrote:
Swank Force One wrote:
kb58 wrote: Here's one of my "favorite" that drives me nuts... Driving along a double lane (two in each direction) and clearly visible ahead is construction, complete with the "Lane blocked, move right" light. So you, who are paying attention and looking ahead, move right. That means that all the clueless people continue in the left lane until the last possible second where they act all surprised, then cut in front of you. And, if you don't let them in (punishment for not paying attention) you're the bad driver... grrr. Clueless drivers rate right up there along aggressive drivers for ticking people off.
Actually..... (And this comes up every time someone rants about this) That's called a "Zipper merge." And it's actually fastest if everyone waited until the end. Themoreyouknow.jpg
Im down with the zipper merge. I'm an aggressive driver but I let the person over in this case every time. If I see in my rearview mirror that the douchbag behind me tightens up to be rude and avoid letting anyone get 5 feet in front of him, then I let EVERYONE in...

yeah, I've done that .... I can usually see the smoke coming out of the guys ears while we sit still and I let 8 - 10 cars merge ... though I do get tired of listening to his horn LOL

Nashco UberDork
9/27/13 12:34 p.m.

Am I the only one that came back to this thread to re-read Margie's funny story and was disappointed to find it was deleted?

Too politically incorrect or something? Shucks...we already know you hate bikers, Margie, what's there to hide?

Maybe I'm losing my marbles and it's in a different thread...


bravenrace UltimaDork
9/27/13 1:03 p.m.

In reply to Nashco:

I didn't see any post by Margie, but then it may have appeared and disappeared before I looked.

wbjones PowerDork
9/27/13 1:54 p.m.

think you might have the wrong thread ... I'm pretty sure that bravenrace's post was the first on here ....

ebonyandivory HalfDork
9/27/13 2:18 p.m.

No, it was this thread. I read it and loved it. Odd and too bad it's gone.

bravenrace UltimaDork
9/27/13 2:23 p.m.

In reply to wbjones:

I made the first post, yes, but she may have made one somewhere in the thread.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/27/13 2:54 p.m.
wbjones wrote:
plance1 wrote:
Swank Force One wrote:
kb58 wrote: Here's one of my "favorite" that drives me nuts... Driving along a double lane (two in each direction) and clearly visible ahead is construction, complete with the "Lane blocked, move right" light. So you, who are paying attention and looking ahead, move right. That means that all the clueless people continue in the left lane until the last possible second where they act all surprised, then cut in front of you. And, if you don't let them in (punishment for not paying attention) you're the bad driver... grrr. Clueless drivers rate right up there along aggressive drivers for ticking people off.
Actually..... (And this comes up every time someone rants about this) That's called a "Zipper merge." And it's actually fastest if everyone waited until the end. Themoreyouknow.jpg
Im down with the zipper merge. I'm an aggressive driver but I let the person over in this case every time. If I see in my rearview mirror that the douchbag behind me tightens up to be rude and avoid letting anyone get 5 feet in front of him, then I let EVERYONE in...
yeah, I've done that .... I can usually see the smoke coming out of the guys ears while we sit still and I let 8 - 10 cars merge ... though I do get tired of listening to his horn LOL

Few years ago I was on rt 422 leaving Reading Pa. The right lane is blocked due to work and a semi got stuck there and nobody would let him out. Being an ex-commercial driver, I slowed and let him merge into traffic. The guy behind me went ballistic. He was laying on the horn, flashing his lights, screaming, waving out the window. you would think I had just run over his dog or something. I think I held him up all of 10 seconds.

Soon as the right lane opened back up, the truck moved over and so did I as the guy behind me was now riding my bumper and continuing to go ballistic. He pulled up alongside of me and started screaming at me through the window (I had the windows down, he rolled his down to let loose a stream of obcenities at me) I took a quick glance in the mirror to check for traffic behind me, smiled, waved, and stomped the brakes.

You never know when somebody like is going to escalate to either ramming me or pulling out a weapon. I wanted to get away and speeding up would have just been an invitation to chase me. At least being behind him I could get his license plate number and stay out of his way

bravenrace UltimaDork
9/27/13 3:01 p.m.

A guy once through a screwdriver at me. I have a dent in my truck to prove it.

carbon Reader
9/27/13 3:49 p.m.
Swank Force One wrote:
Datsun1500 wrote:
Vigo wrote: .... and how infinitely low the number of accidents and injuries ive caused and incurred with 'aggressive' driving is
I haven't caused or incurred any accidents or injuries in 27 years of driving, but the number you've caused in 15 years of driving is "low" I guess your way is better?
I read "infinitely low" as "zero," which i believe was his intent. My guess is that this is one of those things that sounds more extreme when you read it than it really is in practice. My viewpoint: At least he sounds like he's pretty aware when he's driving. I'd rather deal with an entire commuting traffic full of whatever you guys are interpreting Vigo as than the completely oblivious berkeleytards that i see every day. I think the answer is to weld an exo-cage on a beater and let these morons hit me every time they do something stupid. Then scream at them.

That was my interpretation of "infinitely low" as well. The exocage idea is exactly why I'm building the fj40. I had a rx330 that was Perfect, and everywhere I went for like 6 months someone would hit me in it. so I sold it and said to myself "the next vehicle is gonna be impervious to parking lot damage". Sure enough the second week I had it, the rear bumper of the fj (aftermarket, and very stout) tore off a white pontiac bumper of some prick that hit me while parked. Zero damage on my end, it was awesome. I left the white paint on my bumper as a badge of honor. When it's done it will have a full exocage.

carbon Reader
9/27/13 4:18 p.m.

My big issue is with slower drivers who dont stay out of the way. When I leave the house I have three priorities, in order of importance. (see #2) 1) Dont let some stupid motherberker collect me, and don't collect anyone else. 2) Dont let my driving affect anyone else's if at all possible. If you have to adjust your driving as a result of mine, I'm not doing my job. This (theoretically) includes pulling over for faster moving traffic (berking Rare). 3)Have the best drive I can have for any given route. I go Really hard 100% of the time, I have ZERO accidents where I was in the wrong in any way shape or form. How I achieve this is fairly simple. 1)I am on point 100% of the time in a car. like it 'Nam and I'm the point man. 2)I assume every single person thinks they have right of way in every situation, If they can pull out in front of me, I assume they will until I am past them. I watch intersections and driveways like my life depends upon it (on my superbike it most certainly does) 3)I leave proper following distances for the speed Im traveling, taking into account the stopping power of the 2 vehicles involved, and my reaction times I have a healthy comprehension of the physics involved as well as the engineering. This is my responsibility as an operator in my opinion, and everyone else's who drives a car or bike. P.S. I go really hard. SAFELY

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