maroon92 wrote:
I am sick of Rust Beltyness. I am moving to Fayetteville, GA in a matter of weeks, and I am never looking back!
I can't wait to live in a place that SHUTS DOWN with a quarter inch of snow.
ROFL! maroon92, folks just don't understand. We just ain't prepared for it! I've lived in Atlanta metro for 20 years. In all that time, I've seen one salt truck. It was in a ditch.
Yeah, I was down there for ARSCCA Points 1, and they cancelled due to less than an inch! I would have paxed that event for SURE!
I absolutely love GA though, I tell everyone that it is SW Michigan plus 30 degrees.
6/16/09 4:22 p.m.
Too far south isn't good either. FL cars and coastal cars rust from the top down (salt air from the ocean).
6/16/09 4:23 p.m.
Inland GA is a really good location, except for farm vehicles. Farm chemicals are MUCH worse than salt.
joey48442 wrote:
RossD wrote:
Living in wisconsin, I've had two relatives fall through rusted floor boards. Neither of them were hurt, so you can continue to laugh.
I was always afraid my gf was going to fall out the bottom of her ranger. The gas tank fell out at one point.
A friend's neighbor had a rear spring perch fall off her Ranger in the middle of the evening a couple weeks ago. Darn good thing she wasn't driving it!
You know that you have left the rust belt when the locals use Loctite where you would normally use Anti-seize.
Go to Lethbridge,Alberta,Canada. You will be surprised at how many cool old cars are left there.
Wait. Since when do cars rust?
Why yes, I am from California, why do you ask?
MiatarPowar wrote:
I've never bought a car from TN with rust.
KY cars rust. A lot.
It's weird. Nothing in TN rusts, except cars from the upper NE portion of the state (Tri-cities.) They get a few more snows per year and are rusty. Anything north and east of there is 'rust belt,' IMHO. Also anything within 100 miles of coastline.
6/16/09 8:53 p.m.
A number of you have said that Florida cars rust because of the ocean salt. I live in Ft. Lauderdale, about as close to the Atlantic as you can get without wet feet. Rusty cars are very rare here, except for those obviously from up north. I have two '96's, not a spec of rust on either, and both have well over 200,000 miles. Beach Patrol trucks, yeah, they go away quickly. Regular cars, no.
Woody wrote:
You know that you have left the rust belt when the locals use Loctite where you would normally use Anti-seize.
Woody FTW. This better end up in the magazine...
Some cali cars do rust. Not all of them, but i do see many older (like as in 70s and older) cars rusted beyond what could reasonably be fixed.
Tom_Spangler wrote:
So where exactly does the "rust belt" start?
Right at the fender lip and then attacks brake lines. 
6/17/09 12:49 p.m.
cwh wrote:
A number of you have said that Florida cars rust because of the ocean salt. I live in Ft. Lauderdale, about as close to the Atlantic as you can get without wet feet. Rusty cars are very rare here, except for those obviously from up north. I have two '96's, not a spec of rust on either, and both have well over 200,000 miles. Beach Patrol trucks, yeah, they go away quickly. Regular cars, no.
I had an '89 Civic a few years ago that I bought in Naples. It lived its life about 5 miles from the Gulf. It had several spots of surface rust starting up...and that's with less than 20 years of age and about 200k miles on it. For comparison's sake, I had a '79 Accord from the Seattle area that had similar age and mileage (years earlier) and it didn't have the slightest hint of rust.
When I worked in Florida, I tested vehicles. We parked some brand new ones outside (about 25 miles inland from the Gulf in SW Florida) and let them sit for about six months without moving or washing them whatsoever. The amount of corrosion occurring was significantly worse than others left in other states (southwest, south, and north) for the same time period. Heat and humidity help rust. Florida is hot and humid. If you're by the beach, you'll get some salty air to help things out, but the unrelenting heat and humidity are the biggies if you're inland a bit.
6/17/09 7:57 p.m.
On a quiet night, if you listen closely, you can actually hear cars rusting away in New England. Sounds like Rice Krispies... 
anything north of Kansas City.
I was reminded how much I hate rust this afternoon when I removed the old anti-roll bar and end links from my FC today so I could replace them with a Racing Beat bar and new end links. I was also reminded how much I love Freeze Off, anti-sieze, and my el cheapo Pep Boyz impact wrench. The splash pan came out easily since I used anti-seize on an earlier removal. The Freeze Off and impact wrench helped me remove the end link bolts. I could feel the heat from the friction of the nut turning off the bolt. Tomorrow I'm going to get new hardware before I install the new bar.
gamby wrote:
On a quiet night, if you listen closely, you can actually hear cars rusting away in New England. Sounds like Rice Krispies...
I thought it was the "Wang Palace" down the street....
After moving to Portland from SE Michigan I am still amazed at the preserved cars out here. My girlfriend has an '86 Civic without a spec of rust on it. That thing is pretty much extinct in the midwest. In fact in Michigan if the rust doesn't kill the cars, the potholes will.