My fiancee feels horrible that we aren't able to go to the Rolex this year. Last year I had no choice in why I couldn't make it. So we are waking up and running a few errands, meeting the babies pediatrician, and grocery shopping. Then we are camping out in the living room for the weekend to watch the race (well what's covered of it on speed). Gonna bust out the electric grill and make her hotdogs, some grilled chicken for myself and a few brews and enjoy the race from a different perspective!
The good thing is that she's granted me the privilege to go to Sebring this year if I can get the time off from work.
I am, but for different reasons. :( 
In reply to DirtyBird222:
Will be "trapped" in the man cave. Hitting up the store this morning for food stuffs.
1/26/13 7:37 a.m.
I'm camping out at the Rolex, no need for the living room...
...sorry- you probably didn't need to hear that! 
Living room here. SpeedHD has it from 3pm till midnight, then again 9AM -> 4PM, right?? I better clear out the DVR!
mikeatrpi wrote:
Living room here. SpeedHD has it from 3pm till midnight, then again 9AM -> 4PM, right?? I better clear out the DVR!
cleared the dvr of lots of trash the woman had on there. Enough space on there to record, anyone know if is streaming what they aren't broadcasting?
Oh no, I'll be attending the largest HVAC trade show in Dallas. I have a booth to setup and a bunch of customers to talk "pump connectors" with. Whoo Hoo!
AHR Expo - my 14th year starts in 2 hours......
Speed is showing it on TV, and then running the overnight feed from the camera on top of the stands, as well as in car stuff on the internet. I'll be watching all 25 hours of coverage. I slept in to make sure I could make it.

This was me last year, and will be again in a couple hours...Broadcast on the TV, live timing/scoring and live streaming onboards on the laptop. Its 15 degrees out, I'm not going anywhere...
I have the TV warming up now.
james i have that same setup right meow
buying plane tickets to miami so i can go to my drill weekend make up some days and then mysteriously end up at sebring! I think i'll save my paternity leave for that.
The Mazda diesels are SLOW. The speed differential on the banking makes the onboards slightly scary.
I wish there was footage of Tandy's shunt. I'd like to see what caused damage of that magnitude.
Go Magnus!
DirtyBird222 wrote:
My fiancee feels horrible that we aren't able to go to the Rolex this year. Last year I had no choice in why I couldn't make it. So we are waking up and running a few errands, meeting the babies pediatrician, and grocery shopping. Then we are camping out in the living room for the weekend to watch the race (well what's covered of it on speed). Gonna bust out the electric grill and make her hotdogs, some grilled chicken for myself and a few brews and enjoy the race from a different perspective!
The good thing is that she's granted me the privilege to go to Sebring this year if I can get the time off from work.
Will those be Sahlen dogs on the grill?
I wish! You can't find them around DC or I'm just looking in the wrong places. Being that my whole family stems from the Buffalo/Syracuse region that's all I've ever had hot dog wise and all I like to eat if I do indulge in eating those.
not camping out, but i am watching an hour or two this afternoon before family responsibilities take over the evening.
Grew up around Syracuse myself. Looks like Mazda needs more R&D on the diesel thing.

This is my setup for the rest of the race...
In reply to Maroon92:
Damn right!!
Tablet , netbook, laptop and TV 
lol. You got me beat. I should get all the devices out and get all four onboards on 4 computers, and T&S on my phone.
nice maroon! this 55inch tv my fiancee got me last weekend has made it very nice viewing for this and will be for superbowl next weekend. Side note watching blu rays on this thing is awesome. Never going to the movie theater again.
Just watched the first brake changes (of two expected, they said). They swapped the rotor / calipers as an assembly - looked like two bolts on the brackets and some kind of quick connect on the fluid lines. I guess they don't need to bleed the system?
mikeatrpi wrote:
Just watched the first brake changes (of two expected, they said). They swapped the rotor / calipers as an assembly - looked like two bolts on the brackets and some kind of quick connect on the fluid lines. I guess they don't need to bleed the system?
Fancy racing brake systems have the calipers pre-filled and low-pressure filled, and the connection lines are dry break...
Yeah, it's expensive...