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Lugnut Reader
11/12/08 11:49 a.m.

That is so awesome. I love the old euro Capris.

EricM Reader
11/12/08 11:58 a.m.


I gotta stop reading thiese forums......

I really want to keep my marrage intact.....

alex Reader
11/12/08 12:02 p.m.
P71 wrote: I'd be willing to go get the car and hold it for a sufficient bribe

Is beer a sufficient bribe? Can I ship my tools to you, too?

Jeez, listen to me... I need this thing like a hole in the head.

Woody GRM+ Memberand Dork
11/12/08 12:21 p.m.
belteshazzar wrote: holy crap. I read the listing and the location said NE MLK. I thought "NEBRASKA?!? I LIVE IN NEBRASKA! WHERE'S MLK?!? oh."

My guess would be Martin Luther King Blvd, North East.

belteshazzar Dork
11/12/08 12:39 p.m.

Yeah. Not Nebraska in any case.

fiat22turbo GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
11/12/08 1:23 p.m.

Yep, I think I've even seen that car around.

The only thing that would concern me about those cars (other than the usual trim bits that one can't find as easily)


Brakes suck and it is a heavy car for its size.

4-speed transmission also sucks like the Merkur's.

With the advent of the internet, those problems can be resolved with appropriate knowledge sharing combined with parts scrounging and some heat/beat engineering.

A V8 would be interesting but tends to be fairly nose heavy (the V6's were) a lightweight ZETEC motor would be fun, provided you could find a bellhousing. The 2.3 turbo would be as heavy as the V8 (and just as fast) so it would be a wash to me there.

Ian F
Ian F Reader
11/12/08 1:25 p.m.

One of the many reasons why I avoid browsing Craigslist... ...although I do need a cheap ladder-rack for my truck...

I want to punch the guys who say, "buy this or it goes to the crusher..." and then really don't try bvery hard to sell it... there was a quite salvagable Volvo 122 wagon on Turbobricks a few weeks ago that had a similar asshat owner...

P71 GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
11/12/08 1:37 p.m.

Beer is sufficient, but I like the good stuff.

Stuff an aluminum-head 5.0 in it and it'll be lighter then a 2.3 Turbo. Get to it!

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
11/12/08 1:44 p.m.

Or put a 4AGE blacktop, 4AGZE, or 2ZZ-GE in it. More power than the stock engine, plus a high PPOPP score!

alex Reader
11/12/08 2:49 p.m.

Ha! Somebody's paying attention!

Duende Reader
11/12/08 4:00 p.m.

Okay, well, f the wife, I shot him an email.

93celicaGT2 Reader
11/12/08 4:03 p.m.

gawdamn..... if this was within 500 miles of me i would have already grabbed it. With 1uzfes being $250 round these parts..... it'd be moving in no time.

Ryan9118 HalfDork
11/12/08 4:16 p.m.

I want that car. Badly. IF ONLY I DIDN'T HAVE SO MANY ALREADY. P71, you should go buy that. Now.

alex Reader
11/12/08 5:12 p.m.

Well, I had some success anyway. I sent the seller a link to this thread and he replied, 'ok ok ok. with so many comments, it's not going to be crushed any more.' So, maybe it has been spared a sad fate.

...and maybe his price just tripled. If so, sorry...

wherethefmi2000 New Reader
11/12/08 5:54 p.m.
alex wrote: Well, I had some success anyway. I sent the seller a link to this thread and he replied, 'ok ok ok. with so many comments, it's not going to be crushed any more.' So, maybe it has been spared a sad fate. ...and maybe his price just tripled. If so, sorry...

You suck lol!!!

Duende Reader
11/12/08 5:55 p.m.

Well shoot, no wonder he hasn't emailed me back.

P71 GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
11/12/08 9:27 p.m.

I have a place to store it for enough beer...

wherethefmi2000 New Reader
11/13/08 1:16 p.m.

so did anyone buy it?

alex Reader
11/13/08 10:09 p.m.

I hate to do it, but... bump. Whither goest the fate of this Capri?

wherethefmi2000 New Reader
11/13/08 10:48 p.m.

yeah I wish that I could afford it.

Duende Reader
11/13/08 11:16 p.m.

He never emailed me back. I was all set to go pick it up and at least dangle it on here while it sat in the driveway.

wherethefmi2000 New Reader
11/13/08 11:18 p.m.

that blows, I bet he's waiting to get more now that someone clued him in on how cool it is.

wherethefmi2000 New Reader
11/16/08 2:33 a.m.


here's where it went! at least it's not the scrap yard.

Luke Dork
11/16/08 2:53 a.m.

Wow, it actually looks pretty nice too. The interior seems fine and the engine is clean. Just that bit of rust in the hatch. $500 well spent!

wherethefmi2000 New Reader
11/16/08 4:01 a.m.

yeah I'm really jealous of that guy

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