I thought someone on here would know what car this mystery strut tower brace would fit. It was given to me in a big lot of parts. The guy bought it for his FB RX7 but the tower mounts are three hole and not four hole like an FB.
I'm looking to sell the thing but I want be able to say what it's for. The key might be the height of the mounts, there aren't many cars with that much hood clearance over the towers.
The mounts put the bar 4.25" above the tower
The mount base is 5 5/8" diameter
Bolt circle is 4 1/2", three bolt
Based on the adjustability strut towers would be 37" to 35" apart
Maybe it's a rear bar for something? Most of those are two bolts though.

Could it be a MKIII Supra?
It'll fit any car you want it to as long as you have a hack saw, welder, drill, and some duct tape. 
any sort of markings on the bar?
Looks like a fancy/awesome towel rack for the garage themed man-cave haha!
But on a serious note...can you match the bolt pattern to anything? Maybe on ebay or something, see what the generic ones list as "fits this car" and narrow it down ny plugging in the dimensions?
I think the back of my celica and MX6 are both 3 bolt pattern.
Might be FC RX7 rears, we use their camber plates and tower bars from time to time.
I bet Honda something.
With my cutting tools and welder it would fit any car :)
Ian F
10/19/11 6:16 a.m.
itsarebuild wrote:
maybe an e30?
Every brace I've seen for an E30 is off-set to the rear of the engine.
Too tall to be for a MINI.
SVreX wrote:
How much do you want?
That. I'm drilling my cheap ebay one for the escort, so the 240 needs a new one. (I'll take measurements tonight)
I can take a look at my Civic later and see if it looks like it might fit that.
procker wrote:
Looks like a fancy/awesome towel rack for the garage themed man-cave haha!
I hadn't thought about that! That's an awesome idea. My man cave is pretty small but Jack Olsen's garage gives me a little hope.
hrdlydangerous wrote:
It'll fit any car you want it to as long as you have a hack saw, welder, drill, and some duct tape.
The hot wrench always works for projects like this but I since my last project went off to the crusher I don't have anything to work on, well at least my Jeep doesn't need a strut tower brace. Could make a sweet hood spoiler if I added some balsa wood though!
If someone could put it to good use I'd sell it for $70 shipped in the CONUS, otherwise I guess I'll have a sweet towel rack in the garage.