Yea my FRS has been the most reliable car I've owned.
I've driven E92 M3s on the street, and on track. They are pretty wonderful cars, if you can get past the abysmal mpg. ( 12-15 around town) Seriously, they suck gas like my 71 Eldorado did, and the BMW drinks premium. There is also more electronic complexity than I'd like.......but that's pretty hard to get away from in newer, premium machines.
The engine does sound glorious---- like Ferrari-level glorious. If the mpg doesn't scare you off, go for it. I'd be sure the engine internals are properly checked before purchase though.
how about a salvage title one for 18k
Jaynen said:
how about a salvage title one for 18k
If I had $20k in spare cash that's not how I would spend it. Money is too cheap at the moment not to finance, but you can't finance a vehicle you can't put full coverage on unless you self-insure, and I don't have that kind of money.
In the state of OK, the insurers will not provide full coverage insurance on a vehicle with a "salvage" title.
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