3/28/14 3:23 p.m.
I want to get a fire suit this year but it's a bit of a mystery to me. The main complicating factor is I'm a large mammal, 320-330 lbs, 6'. Don't have recent measurements but roughly 43-44" waist, 55-60" chest etc.
The European suits seem to be out of the question unless I get them to make one custom. Simpson's online suit builder yields me a suit fitting my needs for about 1500 (3 layer nomex etc).
A few days ago, a friend told me he's getting a suit off Summit for 250 bucks... I had a look, they have G-Force suits that may fit me for 300, and RJS which seem to use better materials for about 600.
What are some reasons not to get these? What do you get for the extra thousand bucks or more? Obviously priority would be given to any inferiority in fire protection.
fit finish and comfort is what you get for more cash.
I bought a G Force suit years ago. It was relatively inexpensive and made from a Kevlar material. I don't remember the exact name of the stuff, but it only came in a sandy neutral color because the fabric wouldn't take a dye. They don't offer these anymore AFAIK.
This thing was unbelievably hot! It was a very thick quilted material and it was like putting on a snowmobile suit. Not the thing you want to do in June in south Texas, believe me.
Later I bought a two layer suit from Pyrotect and the difference was nothing short of amazing. In fact, I found myself wearing my nomex underwear on cooler days because the Pyrotect wasn't warm enough (I race in an open car).
I can't speak for the Nomex suits that G Force sells today, but I do think you get what you pay for with the more expensive suits.
3/29/14 2:48 p.m.
Thanks guys! Any other recommendations?
3/29/14 3:07 p.m.
Are Simpson custom tailored suits worth it? I configured one with their best options and it comes out to over 1800. I'd pay that much if they're really good.
Ryan Newman's fuel guy is a big boy. I bought one of his old suits and it fits great. There is one left.
3/30/14 9:50 p.m.
logdog wrote:
Ryan Newman's fuel guy is a big boy. I bought one of his old suits and it fits great. There is one left.
That's a great idea! I even like the sponsor :)
3/31/14 8:09 a.m.
If you are going to get anything GForce, don't get anything cheaper than the GF545. It's a very thin true nomex suit, so it is nice and cool. Anything cheaper in their line is going to be a treated cotton material, and therefore really heavy and hot.
In reply to logdog:
I didn't need a new firesuit but the used nomex underwear was too good a deal to pass up. $25 for puma bottoms and a Simpson top, if I hadn't been told they were used I would have thought they were new. Luck of the draw there but still, score. Fast shipping too.