I need to find an input shaft for an older Jerico 4-speed, ASAP. Apparently they changed the design a few years ago, and the one we need is no longer available from Jerico.
Does anybody know of a source for used Jerico stuff, or possibly have something stashed away that they don't need?
We have feelers out elsewhere, just hoping we can find something quickly. Closer to NW Ohio, the better.
Thanx for any help!!!
there are several Used Nascar parts dealers around the Charlotte NC area.Kannapolis is a 'burb most teams are there.
If you find one in comcord/Kannapolis, let me know. Ill go get it and ship it to you.
Im there most days anyway
Thanx for the input, guys. We found one in SC, and it should be here Friday. Looks like we'll make Mid-Ohio after all.
In reply to grafmiata: Oh yea I forgot to mention David Kee top loader parts in the Future He Has It All
In reply to GTXVette:
Added to the file. Thanx!!!