Spark plug gapping tools: Suggest one.
Or...teach me the correct way to adjust the gap on new plugs, because, for some reason, the way I have been doing it for the past 20 years is no longer working for me. I have ruined more new plugs this year than I care to count.
How do you do it?
Beat down or pry up with pocket knife until gap just drags on a wire guage.
That was my old method. I keep gouging the side electrode and driving the pin sized center electrode down into the insulator.
My Dad has one like this. I sometimes actually check the gaps, but in over 30 years of installing plugs, I've never found a new plug that wasn't gapped to the application I bought it for.
The little wrench lets you grab the ground electrode and bend it to your whim.
Those needle sized center electrodes are a pain. I use the coin shaped one that the edge ramps up in size from thin to thick. I still have to apply pressure with the coin to enlarge the gap but closing up's easy since I just whack it on the concrete. 
I like this one the best. Its the only one I have found that allows you to easily enlarge the gap without touching the center electrode. I bought it at Pep Boys, made by Kastar AE4450. To close the gap i just tap lightly on something semi soft like a piece of 2x4 it doesn't take much to bend those things.

SupraWes wrote:
I like this one the best. Its the only one I have found that allows you to easily enlarge the gap without touching the center electrode. I bought it at Pep Boys, made by Kastar AE4450. To close the gap i just tap lightly on something semi soft like a piece of 2x4 it doesn't take much to bend those things.
I have this same tool, except the handle is blue. The little slot in the end allows you to pry on the ground like a bottle opener.
Even with the old syle center electodes, never pry against it. I was tought that many,many years ago.
I have one that dates back to the '70s. My engine builder gave it to me in the mid '80s. It's a Champion tool that clamps the body and electrode and allows very fine adjustment. You measure the gap with a feeler gauge.
Has anybody used one of these?

Woody wrote:
Has anybody used one of these?
Yes. BMW dealer back in the '70s.
I have examples of the post above in my toolbox as we speak.