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MCarp22 New Reader
1/2/09 11:06 p.m.

edit Sorry about the rickroll topic title. Updated 1-6-09

Yeah. Imagine i said something witty here. :(

We both had green but I had the right of way seeing how i was not turning across traffic.

Crappy cell phone pic. It was a '99-00 silver mustang.

I'm fine. Car's driveable. Mustang went home on a flatbed.

maroon92 SuperDork
1/2/09 11:20 p.m.

darn, I thought this thread would expound on the pluses and minuses associated with the NASA classing structure.

either way, sorry about the car.

(and before anyone else says it, "that'l buff right out")

aussiesmg HalfDork
1/2/09 11:24 p.m.

Last time that happened to us it led to my wife having her spine fused, a piece of cadaver bone and a metal plate being put in her neck. You guessed it the scuzzbags had no insurance.

I guess I'm saying it could be worse

MCarp22 New Reader
1/2/09 11:37 p.m.

I was just on my way to dinner after visiting the chiropractor.

maroon92 wrote: darn, I thought this thread would expound on the pluses and minuses associated with the NASA classing structure.

I could have rick roll'd everyone and posted the ken block video.

subrew New Reader
1/2/09 11:46 p.m.

I thought this was going to be a thread about something motorsports related. You know, Spec Miata and American Iron.

Luke Dork
1/3/09 12:00 a.m.

Damn, that sucks. Glad you're alright.

That's actually exactly how my friend lost his Triumph 2500 saloon to a SUV.

AngryCorvair GRM+ Memberand Dork
1/3/09 9:27 a.m.

use the insurance money to buy Flyin' Miata parts.

Travis_K Reader
1/3/09 10:45 a.m.

I HATE those type of signals. How to proceeded though the intersection safely when turning left across traffic is no longer within the mental capacity of the average driver, and they cause too many accidents.

Strizzo Dork
1/3/09 11:50 a.m.

if you think thats hairy, you should have seen houston when half the signals were out and nobody could pull their head far enough out of their arses to negotiate a 4-way stop correctly

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
1/3/09 1:11 p.m.

Ow, I hope there's no frame damage...

Daddy_Rocket New Reader
1/3/09 3:42 p.m.

See the Spec Miata, but I'm missing the American Iron....

NYG95GA Dork
1/3/09 4:46 p.m.

Left turns suck.

pigeon Reader
1/3/09 6:04 p.m.
aussiesmg wrote: Last time that happened to us it led to my wife having her spine fused, a piece of cadaver bone and a metal plate being put in her neck. You guessed it the scuzzbags had no insurance.

I'm sorry for your wife (and you by extension). That's why I carry LOTS of uninsured motorist coverage - it's cheap and I'll never understand why insurance agents don't sell the crap outta that, they'd sell a lot more insurance overall if they did.

MCarp22 - get to a doctor and get yourself checked out. The car can be fixed a lot easier than you can.


willy19592 New Reader
1/3/09 7:30 p.m.

sorry, I really dont even see a spec miata?


Carson HalfDork
1/3/09 7:40 p.m.
willy19592 wrote: sorry, I really dont even see a spec miata? www.btdtracing.com

It was a joke. You know, the lighter side of life, putting a smile on in the event of an unfortunate situation.

Sorry, I really don't even see how your comment is a question.

That was another joke for you.

willy19592 New Reader
1/3/09 7:53 p.m.

the title said spec miata.

Carson I didnt see you post before now. do you have 2 names?

anyway, I thought it was a post about race cars, my bad

Carson HalfDork
1/3/09 7:58 p.m.

I have a first, middle, and last name.

I was just giving you a hard time.

MCarp22 Reader
1/3/09 8:01 p.m.

The miata looks like a spec in relation to a mustang!

willy19592 New Reader
1/3/09 8:04 p.m.

hows the church building biz?

any way I wasnt the only person thinking there was a race related topic.

Carp.. I haz parts!


VWguyBruce Reader
1/3/09 8:42 p.m.

Having just been through this last month I feel your pain. I think I might've turned back around and headed back to the chiropractor for a checkout. My back is finally starting to feel good again. I also am dealing with an uninsured motorist claim, many people recommending I see a lawyer.

At least it's a Miata and you can put it back together for free

Carson HalfDork
1/3/09 10:42 p.m.

In reply to willy19592:

Willy, I want to apologize, I was having a rough evening and I was kind of taking it out on you. I'm not normally like that.

willy19592 New Reader
1/4/09 7:45 a.m.

In reply to Carson:

its all good, in my own way it was a joke back, asking about a spec miata, but my humor is very dry, and doesnt always translate well to the web ;)

MCarp22 Reader
1/6/09 12:26 a.m.


A few licks with a shellelagh and the hood closes again. I also convinced the headlight to aim correctly by unplugging the motor. Managed to strip all 4 screws that hold the headlight lid on.

Who's idea was it to use phillips and not a proper hex head bolt?

Anyhow, I heard from insurance (hannover) today but was stuck on the phone (i work in a call center) and couldn't call them back. We'll see how this ends up working out. The front unibody is pretty well smooshed so it could mean the end for this car.

Volksroddin HalfDork
1/6/09 7:35 a.m.

Sounds like the car can be fix with a little pull (on a frame rack at a body shop) but hwo are you?

ClemSparks SuperDork
1/6/09 8:37 a.m.

That brings back memories of the first time my miata was totalled...

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