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Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
6/29/14 5:24 p.m.
Desmond wrote: Yeah, I own a '99 Miata right now...

Then you have your answer for what to start HPDE in. Install a good rollbar, good brake pads and fresh fluid, and you're ready to go. You don't have a bug for a particular car, prep the one you already have.

Timeormoney Reader
6/29/14 7:40 p.m.
Beer Baron wrote:
Desmond wrote: Yeah, I own a '99 Miata right now...
Then you have your answer for what to start HPDE in. Install a good rollbar, good brake pads and fresh fluid, and you're ready to go. You don't have a bug for a particular car, prep the one you already have.

This times 1000. There is a chance that you will be totally satisfied with HPDE events and that will save you a ludicrous amount of money over wheel to wheel.
Get it reasonably safe, throw a tow package on it and get a baby trailer for your wheels, tools and EZ up. I did that route for a couple years and its a great way to build skills. If/When you are ready to move up you will know if SM is for you and then can build or buy. Additionally, the easiest way to find a race car to buy is to be at a racetrack. Ideally you buy it off the podium.
Good luck!

Mr_Clutch42 HalfDork
6/29/14 8:13 p.m.

In reply to racerdave600: Wow, I need to make some changes so I can also do an HPDE once or twice a year.

z31maniac UltimaDork
6/30/14 11:36 a.m.
Desmond wrote: Total for XP10s and C-tek rotors would be about $390. Not $500. As far as rollbar, I was going to go with the one of the HardDog ones, I've heard they are both SCAA and NASA approved, but I'll have to double check. I know things can vary by region sometimes. And I definitely agree with you David. Driving slow cars fast isnt just fun and cheaper, its also safer in alot of ways. More speed = more opportunity for injury, I believe. BTW I am located in Utah. The track in question is Miller Motorsports Park. I know NASA runs out there, and I am pretty sure SCAA runs out there too. Already been to multiple NASA events to watch and help out. Oh how is space inside the E30? The more I consider the idea, the more I like it...

Meh, I misremembered.

But the point still stands that $600 isn't anywhere near enough for some solid HPDE prep. That's what I was trying to get across.

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