My 1994last mustang sped stored working this morning. As I pulled out pf the driveway it started to bounce and then it spun all the way around so the needle is now resting against the other side of the little peg that it would normally be on. The other thing of note is both the trip odomiter and the odomiter are still working.
Anyone run in to this issue before?
Are you posting from a cell phone? 
Yes my stumps for fingers and the autocorect thing on this phone make for some interesting results
3/26/12 3:19 p.m.
This comes up in google for "speedo stopped working"

I live in South Jersey.. we get a lot of canadians in the summer.. Bannana Hammocks were the first thing that came to mind as well.
Because your odometer is still working properly, that rules out the sender and wiring.. so the problem must be the speedo itself
The part that makes me nuts is even if I change the autocorrcted words it changes them back as soon as I hit the space bar. I swar the Borg has taken control of my phone and is trying to control what I type.
3/26/12 5:37 p.m.
My 98 Explorer did this about 1/2 dozen times this winter but would start working again a few hours later.
It just sat on zero and wouldn't work though. Sensor going bad?
Check the speed sensor first. If it's OK, then it sounds like you might need to take apart the IC and check for any burnt components, a bad needle motor, bad solder joints, etc.