Without knowing details... odds are its just a simple magnetic hall effect sensor which will read either a tone ring or the teeth on the output shaft and send a square wave signal to the ECM, which it will then translate into "usable" data.
Spoofing it, is relatively easy. Many ways. Depends on if it's a 1 or 2 wire speed sensor and how many pulses per mile its looking for. But if all you care about is making the odometer readings increase, that's a slightly easier thing than trying to get say a trans VSS signal to play correctly with OE gauges in a car that setup was never installed in.
Where I would start... is probably something like this. I imagine it's setup one of two ways... newer E36 M3 will be looking for a 0-5V reference signal and older stuff is typically a 12v signal. Being said, it will be outputting say a 4,000-16,000 pulse per mile signal (could be more, could be less...again. it all depends) which you can spoof by using something like this square wave signal generator.

Kits are avail on Amazon and numerous other places. Odds are something like that will work and you'll prob be in the 100-120hz range for about a 100mph output.
Again. It's not hard, but you do need a basic background knowledge to understand what you are doing and how things work. But the short of it is you use a signal generator to feed the ECM the inputs its looking for, and it'll register as you are doing X mph. Let it run for whatever amount of time it takes to get there at the mph you have it at.
Being said, some ECM'S allow you to release mileage with the more legit programmers. That may be an easier route.
Edit.. here's an easier to use cheap E36 M3 square wave generator.
But again, you need to know what signal it's looking for, so you can spoof it. Once you know that, it's a cake walk.