Trying to change struts. I have the spring compressed. Is it supposed to still be tight on the perches? If I remove the upper strut bolt now is it right or does the spring need to be compressed even more? If so, how do I know when it's right? Thanks!

Is the spring loos in the seats? if not it needs more compression
New Reader
10/6/12 11:32 a.m.
It looks compressed enough to me. I would make sure that when you remove the top nut you point the thing in a safe direction, but my estimation is that with the spring compressed that much, there isn't going to be much energy left, if any.
No - like on the bottom where you can see in the pic the spring is compressing off of the seat, but the part that is still there is tight. I can't move the spring. It just seems like I am getting close to the end of the threads on the rods so I figured I would stop and ask
Looks good to go, if your nervous have somebody filming while you take the nut off
Max out the compressors. You should be able to pull the spring away from its seat with your bare hands.
The safest position for the strut when you remove the spring is laying on the ground with your foot on the spring, that way it cant go flying and hit you if comes loose.
What they said, that's compressed but it now has the energy all between the compressor clamps. Be careful handling it between on and off.
What they said, that's compressed but it now has the energy all between the compressor clamps. Be careful handling it between on and off.
Thanks, it was loose at that point, it was just the rubber isolator pads stuck to the metal seats.
glueguy wrote:
Thanks, it was loose at that point, it was just the rubber isolator pads stuck to the metal seats.
yeah, looking at the picture made me confused, since it's obviously about an inch away from the top perch..