2K4Kcsq Reader
7/15/13 12:28 p.m.

So I have been gathering a stack of unused colorado license plates from some friends of mine, with the totally awesome plan of making a wind fairing for my snowboard rack on the audi. Awesome Ideas aside, the thought did occur to me that the local law enforcement might not find my artwork as cool, or legal as I. I've seen this done before but it was usually done with old plates that would not be confused with current versions. My plan is to cut them up anyway so that I can make one big panoramic CO plate mountain range in the shape of a snowboard, and maybe spell out 4000 CS quattro or something a little more clever.

I guess what I'm asking is, do you guys think I might run into trouble with the law thinking I am trying to mis-represent my registration with all these old recycled plates?? Anyone done something similar and run into problems?

It is also worth noting that I don't run a front plate, don't really believe in them the way they uggo my front end, plus I already shaved the mounting holes so I don't plan on going back unless I start getting tickets but I did consider making my actual front plate a part of the piece if it would appease the law on the matter


GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
7/15/13 12:33 p.m.

Without a front plate, I'd say there's a decent chance that any given cop would pull you over. Making your actual front plate a part of the collage, I'd imagine would only make it worse.

I think hooking up your front plate in the proper position while driving around with this thing would greatly reduce the chance of being pulled over.

2K4Kcsq Reader
7/15/13 12:43 p.m.

I suppose that's true, I have been driving front plateless for some time now without any trouble but I imagine having a collage of other plates while not running the legal piece would be like a slap in the face to the law. lol

Cone_Junky Dork
7/15/13 12:47 p.m.

I never got harassed in CA for no front plate until I had a custom Euro plate mounted on the front. That just brought extra attention to the fact that the proper one wasn't there.

I think Gameboy makes a great point.

ultraclyde Dork
7/15/13 1:45 p.m.

Agreed. I think if you run the front plate as it should be and cut up the other plates you will probably be okay.

At least until they see you at night and all those reflective plates make them think you are trying to look like you have active bar lights. Impersonating an officer of the law is much worse than a plate violation.

whenry HalfDork
7/15/13 2:23 p.m.

Tn doesnt require front plates and I have personally threatened my State Rep if they ever adopt such a rule. He agrees.

2K4Kcsq Reader
7/17/13 3:42 a.m.

I wish Colorado was that way but no. . . it's required here. the only time I was ever hassled about it was in my old ford truck . . .that thing was a cop magnet for some reason though, must have known I was 17 with big block power and the need for speed

but you guys are probly right. . . I just really don't want that ugly plate & frame back on my front bumper, I may just go for it as an experiment, Id rather shove the plate in the windshield than mount it back on the bumper

wbjones PowerDork
7/17/13 7:28 a.m.
whenry wrote: Tn doesnt require front plates and I have personally threatened my State Rep if they ever adopt such a rule. He agrees.

same here ... thankfully ..

but a quick hi-jack ... in Va (VIR) they do require front plates .. all their red light cameras (at least on US 58 from Danville to VIR) seem to be aimed towards the front of the "offending" car ... does that mean I can run a red light and the pic. wouldn't let them track me down ?

disclaimer: I'm not planning on running a light ... just asking

now back to your regularly scheduled programming

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
7/17/13 7:45 a.m.
wbjones wrote: but a quick hi-jack ... in Va (VIR) they do require front plates .. all their red light cameras (at least on US 58 from Danville to VIR) seem to be aimed towards the front of the "offending" car ... does that mean I can run a red light and the pic. wouldn't let them track me down ?

Usually, but not always, there are cameras to capture both sides. Assuming there is only a camera to capture the front, then yes they'd have a hard time tracking you down.

sethmeister4 HalfDork
7/17/13 9:02 a.m.

If there's one thing I miss about living in GA (and there aren't many, sorry all you Georgians) it's the no front license plate thing. VA are sticklers for it...

Jerry HalfDork
7/17/13 9:10 a.m.

I left KY with no front plates, back to OH that uses them. I heard rumors that they are wanting to get rid of them, for many obvious reasons. Only the police seem to want them.

Ranger50 PowerDork
7/17/13 9:12 a.m.
sethmeister4 wrote: VA are shiny happy people for everything their E36 M3ty state does and doesn't allow...


jstand Reader
7/17/13 11:56 a.m.

My camera ticket going through DC had a photo of the rear plate on it. It was a speeding ticket so that may be different than the red light cameras.

This was even though there are both front and rear plates on my wifes Sedona.

Duke PowerDork
7/17/13 12:04 p.m.
wbjones wrote: in VA... all their red light cameras ... seem to be aimed towards the front of the "offending" car ... does that mean I can run a red light and the pic. wouldn't let them track me down ?

Personally, I can't see VA passing up any chance at extorting some additional revenue from out-of-staters.

shadetree30 Reader
7/17/13 12:35 p.m.
2K4Kcsq wrote: I guess what I'm asking is, do you guys think I might run into trouble with the law thinking I am trying to mis-represent my registration with all these old recycled plates??

For this end of the question, IMHO as long as you have current plates on the car, the expired plates should not matter.

Unless the cop's having a bad day...

2K4Kcsq Reader
7/18/13 1:39 p.m.

good call! most dumb laws require a particular cops interpretation of his mood on said day of the violation. . . . in my experience anyway.

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