Having a problem with the steering on my '96 Volvo 850GLT wagon. When I turn the wheel, it seems like there is intermittent power steering. The steering wheel will feel normal for the first few inches of rotation, then it gets real stiff for a little, then normal...back and forth. I had this problem when I first bought the car in April. I checked the PS fluid level, which was a touch low. Added some fluid and the problem seemed to go away. Until now. Checked the fluid level, and it's fine. I haven't had my wife come out to help, but from inside the car, I don't hear any funny noises or feel anything odd (except when at full lock to the left while parking, I get a grinding noise).
I'm guessing it's the pump, but could it be the rack?
If it changes from stiff to free at every 1/4 revolutuion of the steering wheel, you may have a seized steering column u joint. If its more random, internal rack issue is likely. A weak pump will change based on steering effort- more noticeable parking than driving.
I don't notice a specific pattern, such as every 1/4 turn. It's persistent in that it occurs every time, but more random in where it's stiff and where it's free. The problem is more noticable in a parking lot than on the roads, but I wonder if that's because you tend to crank the wheel more in a parking lot. There are some curvy roads on my way home from work. I notice the problem, but it's less pronounced than in the parking lot.
Start with a fluid flush drain and wipe out the tank if possible then fill and drain 3 times or if possible put return line in a bucket and plug the tank port and fill while running.
I'd start with 44's recommendation, and also check belt condition and tension.
Not that I have much experience with this sort of thing, but when my F250's belt was a bit looks, it didn't squawk, but the amount of assistance I got seemed to vary with how quickly I was turning the wheel. So as you crank in a bunch of steering (like in a parking lot) the speed you're moving varies with your hand motions, and with it the amount of assist.
I could be way out in left field, but it never hurts to check the basics.