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motomoron HalfDork
8/17/11 10:10 p.m.

I'm had a Bimmerworld kit w/ a JB flywheel and Clutchmaster Stage 1 organic clutch in my e36 M3 for 3 seasons of track and street use. Sometimes it's a little bit of a pain when you're say, parallel parking in a small space on a steep hill, or if you slip it bit, in which case you get a whiff of clutch immediately. But it hooks up very well and the car pulls harder in low gears. It's great for autocrossing. My Radical has essentially no flywheel - it's the rotating mass of a GSXR1000 engine w/ it's stock clutch and gearbox. The clutch engagement zone is about 1/4" long. I do still stall it now and then, but one grows accustomed.

I say do it.

Joshua Reader
8/18/11 1:07 a.m.

Do it, they can make a little extra noise but they're worth it and not at all bad for the street.

Strike_Zero HalfDork
8/18/11 7:33 a.m.

Lightweight flywheel ordered

I'm going with the 14.5lber since this is Mrs. Zero's daily . . . I think that would be a good compromise for her.

Now I have to decide whether or not to use this turbo . . . . The lack of tuning support for the M42 is telling me to leave well enough alone. . . lol

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