12/17/19 9:30 a.m.
I had a ~$60 ebay waterproof cover. It held up pretty well and didn't seem to be too hard on the paint, and was actually reasonably waterproof. I would think that something like that in conjunction with the carport to keep the majority of the rain off of it would do just fine, maybe just make sure the cars are super well waxed before going into storage.
Ideal storage for most cars: under a carport, on pavement. That way the paint doesn't get scratched or UV damaged, and water can run away or evaporate rather than being trapped near the car and rotting it out.
Large sheets of corrugated plastic mounted to the carport and under the cars?
I bought one of these for the mini and just as soon as I have the free time I will set it up.

It would be cool it they were offered in car sizes.
I don't have a garage. For several years my RX7 sat exposed, which unfortunately destroyed the paint and invited some rust (it was actually pretty nice when I got it). Now I cover it with a tarp through the winter, to try and slow the tin worm and also slow the devastation to the paint.